

Date:         Tue, 4 Dec 2001 13:31:37 -0600
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Subject:      Winter 2001 Mosaic Focuses on Busy Families;
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Title: Winter 2001 Mosaic Focuses on Busy Families

December 4, 2001


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Winter 2001 issue of MOSAIC, the video
magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), focuses
on families and their busy lifestyles.  "Our Busy Families" includes
examples of families dealing with multiple responsibilities, how
congregations are helping them and commentary from family ministry
     The winter issue, which became available to congregations Dec. 1,
includes three segments:
     + "The Family Juggling Act" examines the pressures of multiple
responsibilities, such as jobs, school, sports and other activities,
and how they impose on family time and church time.   This segment
explores how some Lutheran families juggle these commitments.
     + "Finding Time: Congregations That Help" focuses on a ministry
at Bethel Lutheran Church, Rochester, Minn, which has found ways to
help its members balance their hectic lives.
     + "Our Busy Families: A Talk with the Experts" includes comments
from experts in  family ministry. Authors, educators and staff from
the ELCA Division for Congregational Ministries share new ideas about
ways congregations can help busy families.
     This month, video segments from MOSAIC issues became available at on the Web. Visitors may view segments
from the Winter 2001 issue and other previous issues, said Tim Frakes,
MOSAIC producer and associate director for interpretation, ELCA
Department for Communication.
     The pilot project to enable video segments to be viewed on the
Web was made possible by a grant from Aid Association for Lutherans, a
fraternal benefits organization based in Appleton, Wis., and Lutheran
Brotherhood, a fraternal benefits organization based in Minneapolis.
     MOSAIC is produced and distributed by the ELCA Department for
Communication. It is intended for educational use in a variety of
congregational settings including Sunday School classes, adult forums,
youth groups, women's and men's groups, new member classes, church
council meetings, committee meetings and other organizational
meetings.  Each issue includes a user guide with a synopsis of each
segment and discussion questions. MOSAIC is issued quarterly. Annual
subscriptions are available through the ELCA Department for
-- -- --
     Specific information about MOSAIC subscriptions and the contents
of each issue are available on the World Wide Web at or by contacting the ELCA Department for
Communication by phone at 800/638-3522 ext. 6009. Digital photographs
that accompany each story can be requested by e-mail to [log in to unmask]
or by phone.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]