


June 28, 2005

ELCA Chaplain Helps Win National Award For Radio Station

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. Eric W. Olsen, an Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) chaplain serving in the New
York Army National Guard and who was deployed to Iraq, recorded
audio tapes of his experiences while in Iraq for use on WSLU-FM
(North Country Public Radio [NCPR]), Canton, N.Y.  Olsen's
continuing coverage on the Iraq war helped the radio station win
the national Edward R. Murrow Award in the category for
Continuing Coverage, Radio Small Market, from the Radio-
Television News Directors Association (RTNDA).
     In January 2005 Olsen, 47, Saranac Lake, N.Y., returned home
from a 10-month deployment to Camp Orion, north of Baghdad.
While there he recorded audio tapes of his and other soldiers'
experiences.  Olsen said the audio diaries "helped get the voices
of the soldiers to the people at home . and my voice back home,
     Olsen said he has never worked with radio before.  A friend
from NCPR and Olsen came up with the "joint idea" and "said we'd
give it a try," with the unexpected results coming out "pretty
well," Olsen explained.
     The feedback on the audio diaries "was great," Olsen said.
"People are very thankful" for the opportunity to hear their
family members' voices on the radio and feel some sort of
connection with them.
     The Edward R. Murrow Award was announced in June by the
RTNDA and was an "exciting moment," Olsen said.  This "meant the
voices were important to other people too," he added.  The RTNDA
is a professional organization serving the electronic news
profession which encourages excellence in the electronic
journalism industry.  In honor of the 2005 award winners there
will be an RTNDA Awards Dinner in New York in October.
     Olsen, who was recently promoted to lieutenant colonel, has
been a chaplain in the Army National Guard for 20 years and on
active duty for more than eight years, Olsen said.
     He is a member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Saranac
Lake, where he resides with his wife, Susan, and two sons, Garth
and Evan.  Olsen is the chaplain at Adirondack Correctional
Facility, Ray Brook, N.Y.  Olsen said it is likely he will be
deployed again soon.  He is currently building a new house for
his family and wants to "get to know [his] kids."
     Writing a book about his experience in Iraq is something he
is considering, Olsen said.
     WSLU-FM has recognized Olsen as the NCPR Volunteer of the
Year for his contribution of the audio diaries.
     Chaplain Olsen's audio diary can be heard at on the Web.

* Kirsten H. Boettner is a senior communication major at Luther
College, Decorah, Iowa.  This summer she is an intern with the
ELCA News Service.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]