

Title: ELCA Aids Flood Relief in Bangladesh

September 24, 1998


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Rains have flooded nearly 60 percent of Bangladesh,
killing more than 520 people, rendering thousands homeless and damaging
millions of acres of standing crops.  The Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA) has responded to the disaster with $55,000 in assistance.
     ELCA International Disaster Response sent an initial $5,000 to
Koinonia, an agency monitoring need in Bangladesh.
     The ELCA has sent an additional $25,000 through Action by Churches
Working Together (ACT) to the Rangpur Dinajpur Rural Service (RDRS) in
northern Bangladesh and $25,000 to Lutheran Health Care in the southern
part of the country.
     ACT is a worldwide network of churches, including the Lutheran World
Federation (LWF), meeting human need through coordinated emergency
     Bangladesh is densely populated.  A population about half that of the
United States lives in an area the size of Illinois.  It's located in
southern Asia, at the northern tip of the Bay of Bengal, east of India.
     The economy of Bangladesh is largely dependent on rain-fed
agriculture.  The current rains have lasted more than two months, washing
away most crops and seeds for future crops.
     RDRS, a former LWF World Service program, is prepared for small scale
disasters with emergency supplies held in store.  These can be distributed
by their trained disaster preparedness volunteers, but the storms have
damaged roads and disrupted road transportation in many places.
     ELCA-related Lutheran Health Care-Bangladesh is prepared to respond
to health care needs created by flood-related diseases, such as deadly
     Future assistance from the ELCA will be channeled through ACT and
Lutheran Health Care.

EDITORS:  When listing organizations receiving funds for aid to survivors
of major disasters OUTSIDE the United States, Puerto Rico or the U.S.
Virgin Islands, please include:

                     Lutheran World Relief
                     390 Park Avenue South
                      New York, NY  10016

For information contact:
Frank Imhoff, Assoc. Director 1-773-380-2955 or [log in to unmask]