


August 17, 2003

ELCA Assembly Hears from Young Adult Convocation

     MILWAUKEE (ELCA) -- The Young Adult Convocation reported to
the 2003 Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America (ELCA).  During its report, young adult participants
told voting members of the distinction between youth and young
adults and spoke about the role of young adults in the ELCA.
     The churchwide assembly, the chief legislative authority of
the ELCA, is meeting here Aug. 11-17 at the Midwest Airlines
Center.   There are about 2,100 people participating, including
1,031 ELCA voting members.  The theme for the biennial assembly
is "Making Christ Known:  For the Healing of the World."
     During the report, young adults made two challenges to the
church.  The convocation asked for the creation of a churchwide
staff position that focuses on young adult ministry and they also
asked for the implementation of a major young adult gathering on
the churchwide level that would allow for the nurturing of the
Lutheran young adult community.
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Information about the ELCA Churchwide Assembly can be found
at on the Web.

*Jessica A. Crane is completing her bachelor of arts degree at
Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn.  She is an intern this summer
for ELCA News and Media Production.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]