

Ezekiel 28:20-26

        The word of the LORD came to me:  Mortal, set your face toward Sidon, and
prophesy against it, and say, Thus says the LORD GOD:
        I am against you, O Sidon,
        and I will gain glory in your midst.
        They shall know that I am the LORD
        when I execute judgments in it,
        and manifest my holiness in it;
        for I will send pestilence into it,
        and bloodshed into its streets;
        and the dead shall fall in its midst,
        by the sword that is against it on every side.
        And they shall know that I am the LORD.

The house of Israel shall no longer find a pricking brier or a piercing
thorn among all their neighbors who have treated them with contempt.  And
they shall know that I am the LORD GOD.

Thus says the LORD GOD: When I gather the house of Israel from the peoples
among whom they are scattered, and manifest my holiness in them in the
sight of the nations, then they shall settle on their own soil that I gave
to my servant Jacob.  They shall live in safety in it, and shall build
houses and plant vineyards.  They shall live in safety, when I execute
judgments upon all their neighbors who have treated them with contempt.
And they shall know that I am the LORD their God.