


July 9, 2005

Women Of The ELCA Elect Officers, Adopt Budget, Address Issues

     SAN ANTONIO (ELCA) - Delegates to the Sixth Triennial Convention of
Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) elected a vice
president, secretary and treasurer to three-year terms July 8.  They also
completed work on memorials, which are requests for organizational action
on various issues from local units.
     Women of the ELCA's Gathering is meeting here July 5-10 at the Henry
B. Gonzalez Convention Center.  The organization's three-year theme, “Act
Boldly,” is being unveiled at the convention amid Bible study, keynote
presentations, workshops, community service, business sessions and
elections.  More than 2,100 women from across the United States and around
the world are participating.
     Delegates elected Elizabeth Y. Gaskins, Smyrna, Ga., vice president;
Kathryn M. Schnierle, Cincinnati, secretary; and Robin K. Bert, Chester,
Ill., treasurer.  Carmen K. Richards, Hope, N.D., was elected president
July 7.  All will assume their offices at the conclusion of the convention
and will serve through the 2008 Triennial Convention in Salt Lake City.
     In other action, delegates adopted a $3.41 million budget for 2006
and adopted several memorials.  Some of the memorial topics were:
        + Commercial sexual exploitation: Delegates encouraged local Women
of the ELCA units to “expand their involvement” in addressing commercial
sexual exploitation through and with several organizations, encouraged
work with churches globally to combat commercial sexual exploitation,
asked Women of the ELCA to provide information and resources on the topic
and called for “a coordinated churchwide response” to this issue.
     + Immigration justice: Delegates affirmed the work of Lutheran
Immigration and Refugee Service, Baltimore, to assist women in becoming
advocates for refugees and immigrants, encouraged Women of the ELCA to
pray for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and its employees and to
advocate that facilities used to detain immigrants and refugees “meet
minimum detention standards” and asked Women of the ELCA to provide
materials and ideas so that women can welcome and support refugees.
     + Ageism: Delegates encouraged women to “share in the reality of the
aging process” and “embrace our elders and (encourage) them to continue
living life with purpose and meaning.”
     + Ending hunger: Delegates called on the Women of the ELCA “to
continue to make ending hunger a core conviction for the women of the
church” and continue efforts to feed hungry people, advocate for policies
to end hunger, contribute to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal, pray for
leaders and commit to a “just and humble lifestyle.”
     + Studies on Sexuality and unity: Women of the ELCA will pray for all
people involved in the decisions on homosexuality policy to be made at the
2005 ELCA Churchwide Assembly next month in Orlando, Fla., and pledge to
“continue to be witnesses to our unity through Jesus Christ.”
     + Sudan: The convention resolved to become more informed about Sudan,
its history, Christian sisters and brothers who are suffering, become
“engaged in ministry and action,” and pray and act on behalf of all people
who are victims of humanitarian crises.
        Information about the Women of the ELCA's Sixth Triennial
Gathering is at on the Web.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]