


April 12, 2006  

ELCA Bishops Speak at Events Supporting Just Immigration Reform

     WASHINGTON, D.C. (ELCA) -- Three bishops of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) spoke April 10 at events held
across the country in support of just immigration reform.
     The Rev. Theodore F. Schneider, bishop, ELCA Metropolitan
Washington D.C. Synod, spoke at a rally held on the National Mall
in Washington, D.C.  The Washington rally was one of 130 events
calling for just immigration reform policies held April 9-10 in
cities around the country.
     "We stand in solidarity with the voices that cry out for
justice," said Schneider. "We stand in solidarity with those who
cry out for citizenship in this great land."
     Rally organizers estimate the Washington rally drew 500,000
people. Others speaking at the rally included Cardinal Theodore
E. McCarrick, Archdiocese of Washington, and U.S. Sen. Edward
Kennedy (D-Mass.).
     "I strongly support the issues this rally raises," Schneider
told the ELCA News Service. "We need laws that are wise, but also
     Several staff members from Lutheran Immigration and Refugee
Service (LIRS), Baltimore, participated in the rally. LIRS is a
cooperative agency of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,
the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and the Latvian Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America.

Bishops speak in Los Angeles, Milwaukee
     In Los Angeles the Rev. Dean W. Nelson, bishop, ELCA
Southwest California Synod, Glendale, participated in a
candlelight vigil and procession for just immigration reform.  He
was one of the faith leaders that blessed the procession of
people walking from La Placita to Chinatown as part of the vigil.
     "We walk because we are all children of God," Nelson said in
the blessing. "We walk because we are all immigrants. We walk
because we are not criminals. And we walk because we are
committed to justice and peace."  The Los Angeles vigil drew more
than 10,000 people and featured speakers including Cardinal Roger
Michael Mahony, Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and Antonio
Villaraigosa, mayor of Los Angeles.
     The Rev. Paul Stumme-Diers, bishop, ELCA Greater Milwaukee
Synod, was part of a conversation on immigration reform at the
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Milwaukee, hosted by the
Milwaukee Area Congregations Allied for Hope and the Interfaith
Conference of Greater Milwaukee.
     "Today we ask our representatives to choose the biblical
path of assisting the aliens among us, rather than oppressing
them," Stumme-Diers said.
     Also speaking at the Milwaukee event were the Rev. Steven
Miller, bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee; Rabbi Marc
Berkson, president, Wisconsin Council of Rabbis; and Scott D.
Anderson, executive director, Wisconsin Council of Churches.

Background on immigration reform
     The U.S. House of Representatives passed an immigration
reform bill in December which included provisions that would
criminalize undocumented individuals and those who provide
humanitarian aid to them, including clergy and nonprofit
     "We have encouraged our synod's congregations to become
informed and involved in this issue," said Schneider. "There is a
crisis when one of our legislative bodies tries to criminalize
those who would help those who are alien in our land, no matter
what their circumstances are."
     A number of immigration bills were introduced in the Senate.
It seemed that a compromise had been reached on a bill that
eliminated some controversial provisions of the House bill and
added a path to legalization for many of the undocumented
immigrants now in the United States. However, the Senate failed
to come to a vote on immigration reform before adjourning April
     Debate is expected to resume in the Senate after Congress
reconvenes April 24, but any bill passed by the Senate will need
to be reconciled with the House bill before it can be signed into
     For more information about Lutheran Immigration and Refugee
Service, visit on theWeb.

     For more information about the ELCA's advocacy ministries,
visit the ELCA site.

* Annie Lynsen is director for advocacy communications,
grassroots and network development, ELCA Washington Office.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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