


October 19, 2006  

ELCA Bishops Told of Enthusiastic Response to New Worship Book

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- "Evangelical Lutheran Worship" -- the
title of the newly introduced worship book for the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in Canada -- has generated orders of 568,000 pew copies
through Oct. 6, exceeding early sales forecasts, said the Rev.
Michael Burk, ELCA director for worship.
     The new worship book became available for individual
purchase on Oct. 3.
     In a report to the ELCA Conference of Bishops, Burk said the
fourth printing for the pew volume has been ordered.  "This is a
sign of how quickly and enthusiastically it is being received," Burk
     The ELCA Conference of Bishops is an advisory body of the
church, consisting of the ELCA's 65 synod bishops, presiding
bishop and secretary.  It met here October 5-10.
     Augsburg Fortress, the ELCA's publishing ministry,
Minneapolis, and publisher of Evangelical Lutheran Worship,
focused on quality in printing the pew volume because it will be
in use "for a generation," said Beth A. Lewis, president and
chief executive officer, Augsburg Fortress.  Because of the
volume's high quality, orders will take time to fill, she
     The books are sewn together and are not merely glued, Lewis
said.  Each book has 250 more pages than the "Lutheran Book of
Worship" -- in use since 1978 -- and a special bright white paper
is being used that takes about eight weeks to import from Europe,
she said.  Because of these qualities, orders for the third
printing are expected to be delivered to congregations beginning
in mid-January 2007, Lewis told the conference.
     Estimates were that in its first two years, up to 36 percent
of the congregations would commit to purchasing the pew volume,
Burk said.  Already 25 percent of congregations have committed,
he said.
     Burk urged bishops to explore the new worship book and
attend introductory events being held throughout the ELCA.  A
special event, "Worship Jubilee 2007," will be held here at Navy
Pier downtown prior to the 2007 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, Burk
said.  The event is being billed as "a churchwide event
celebrating the renewal of worship in the ELCA."
     An electronic version of Evangelical Lutheran Worship
resources will soon be available, Burk said.
     Burk thanked the conference for its advice and input into
the worship project. "You helped us create a volume that is this
church in worship.  Thanks be to God, and thanks to all of you,"
he said.
     Information about Evangelical Lutheran Worship, ordering
information and introductory events is at on the ELCA Web site.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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