


November 24, 2008  

'In God's Name,' Featuring ELCA Presiding Bishop, Now Available on DVD

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- "In God's Name," a prime time television
special featuring the Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop,
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America  (ELCA), and president of
the Lutheran World Federation, is now available on DVD.  The
90-minute DVD includes bonus material.
     "As I have traveled throughout the ELCA this past year, I
have heard repeatedly words of gratitude for 'In God's Name.'
The appreciation expressed is for how we as Lutherans are being
recognized for who we are and for the many ways we serve the
gospel and our neighbors," said Hanson.
     "'In God's Name' is an invitation to reflect upon what it
means to live as Lutheran Christians in a world of many
religions.  It is a marvelous resource for conversations in homes
and churches. (My wife) Ione and I were honored to be included in
this portrayal of the lives of global religious leaders," Hanson
     Produced by French filmmakers Jules and Gedeon Naudet, "In
God's Name" explores the "complex questions of our time through
the intimate thoughts and beliefs of 12 of the world's most
influential spiritual leaders," according to a CBS news release.
The program aired on the CBS Television network Dec. 23, 2007.
     The Naudet brothers were caught in the collapse of the World
Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.  Jules was shooting inside when
the South Tower fell.  "On Sept. 11 we faced death and thought we
had lost each other," said Jules Naudet.  "This harrowing
experience was the first step in a journey that would take us
around the world, searching for answers to the meaning of life."
     According to Ava Odom Martin, director for public media,
ELCA Communication Services, the program marks the first time
that "some of the world's religious leaders appeared together in
one broadcast."  The leaders speak out about violence and hatred
and reveal their own thoughts about faith, peace, unity,
tolerance and hope.  Viewers will see the leaders in their homes
and personal places of worship.
     Martin said the DVD can be ordered on National Geographic's
Online Store at on
the Internet.  She said National Geographic also published the
book, "In God's Name: Wisdom From the World's Great Spiritual
Leaders," by Jules Naudet, Gedeon Naudet, Virginie Luc and
Stephan Crasneanscki.
     Starting Dec. 16, 2008, the DVD will be made available at, and other
major retail outlets, said Martin, adding that the ELCA has
developed a study guide about "In God's Name," available for
download at on the church's Web
site.  A video clip of the program is also available on the
ELCA's Web site.
- - -
     Information about the Rev. Mark S. Hanson is at on the ELCA Web site.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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