


September 25, 2009  

Lutheran Youth Say Disagreement is an Opportunity to Show Love

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- When it comes to human sexuality, young people
hold as many different opinions as their older counterparts, but
Christian youth have something stronger than their opinions. The board of
the Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO) of the Lower Susquehanna Synod of
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) wanted to get that
point across in a letter to its synod council.
     "The ELCA recently adopted a social statement regarding human
sexuality. This has led to significant unrest among parts of our church
body," said a letter the synod's LYO board drafted earlier this month for
consideration at the ELCA Lower Susquehanna Synod Council meeting Sept.
     "Some members have expressed concern about the decision and the
implications it bears for the future of our ministry, even threatening to
withhold their mission support or to withdraw from our churchwide family
entirely," wrote the young leaders.
     The August 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly adopted the social
statement, "Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust," by the required two-thirds
majority exactly. The statement recognizes different perspectives in the
church regarding same-gender committed relationships.
     The young leaders of the ELCA Lower Susquehanna Synod said they saw
the debate continuing after the assembly as an "enormous opportunity to
share the love that we have been shown" by God through Jesus Christ.
     "Some adults would have you believe that all youth agree on a single
viewpoint regarding this statement. We do not. In fact, we also have a
variety of opinions, and we often disagree," wrote the synod LYO board.
     "However, we stand united as an LYO board behind a slightly
different message," said the youth. "We strive daily to live out a faith
of love, tolerance and understanding, even in the most trying of times,
and especially when we disagree," they said.
     "We believe most ardently in the gospel message of God's loving
grace and forgiveness, given freely for us all through Christ's
sacrifice. Please join us as we aspire to live love," said the synod LYO
     "We understand that people have different opinions, and we as a
board were very split in our opinions," said Sarah Embley, synod LYO
president, Trinity Lutheran Church, Mount Joy, Pa. "We think it is more
important to look past our differences and keep the unity of the church
and keep God in main view."
     After its discussion in response to the ELCA's social statement on
human sexuality, the board decided to give the synod a portion of "Change
for Change" donations received during synod LYO meetings and events.
     "We aren't happy with the fact that some people are pulling away
from the Lutheran Church because of the decisions made. We know that some
churches are withholding their money from the synod and the Lutheran
Church," Embley said. "We don't think that's right."
     "We would like to step up and do what we can to help," she said.
     Charlie Roberts, the synod's director for youth ministry, said the
LYO board wanted to send "a very clear message" that unity in Christ is a
suitable response to disagreements, and not withholding benevolence.
     The ELCA Lower Susquehanna Synod is based in Harrisburg, Pa., and
consists of 258 congregations in nine counties in south-central
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     Information regarding the ELCA Lower Susquehanna Synod is at on the Web.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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