

Title: ELCA AWARDED $648,000


The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
received block grants totaling $648,000 from
two Lutheran fraternal benefits societies in
1995.  Lutheran Brotherhood Foundation,
Minneapolis, awarded $398,000, and Aid
Association for Lutherans (AAL), Appleton,
Wis., awarded $250,000.  Lutheran
Brotherhood Foundation said it supports
"creative projects which address
multicultural ministry, evangelism and
church growth, wellness and leadership
development."  AAL Churchwide Grants Program
targets "projects that strengthen ELCA
congregations as well as the leadership
within the ELCA."  Lutheran Brotherhood
grants funded 18 ELCA projects, such as
helping Southeast Asian clergy and lay
leaders acquire the biblical and theological
foundations and skills needed for effective
evangelism and outreach, exploring distance
education techniques to meet the growing
educational needs of Hispanic lay leadership
across the nation, and producing a Spanish
Lutheran worship book.  AAL money backed
projects to help families deal with
violence, to help congregations heal after
clergy sexual misconduct, to promote
evangelism communication within Spanish
communities and to establish the ELCA
clearinghouse for HIV/AIDS program
materials.  Both Lutheran Brotherhood and
AAL fund select national and inter-Lutheran
projects of the ELCA and other Lutheran
church bodies, such as the Lutheran
Church-Missouri Synod and Wisconsin
Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

For information contact: Ann Hafften, Dir.,
ELCA News Service, (312) 380-2058; Frank
Imhoff, Assoc. Dir., (312) 380-2955; Lia
Christiansen, Asst. Dir., (312) 380-2956