

Title: ELCA University Library Receives $350,000

January 23, 1997


Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, Pa., has received a $350,000
grant to help transform the Blough-Weis Library into a more powerful
center of information access, technology support and teaching
resources. ?The resources provided by this challenge grant will go a
long way toward helping the university overcome the limitations of its
small-town location,? said Kathleen Gunning, director of the Blough-Weis
Library.  ?It will help us offer a rich, technologically up-to-date
undergraduate experience that significantly expands the cultural and
academic reach of our students and trains them to become competent
world citizens,? said Gunning.  The income will support expanded library
collections of CD-ROM and on-line data, periodicals, films and books;
multimedia equipment; and faculty development in the use of instructional
technology.  The grant was provided by the National Endowment for the
Humanities (NEH).  To secure the NEH grant, Susquehanna must raise a
total of $1.4 million in matching gifts over the next three years.  The
resulting total of $1,750,000 will be added to the University?s endowment
funds to support a more international and culturally inclusive humanities
education.  Susquehanna was ranked as the best regional liberal arts
college in the North by the magazine U.S. News & World Report, Sept.
16, 1996, issue ranking America?s best colleges.  Susquehanna
University is one of 28 colleges and universities associated with the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.