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ELCANEWS  August 2000

ELCANEWS August 2000


ELCA Announces Recipients of AAL Synodical Initiatives Grants


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Fri, 4 Aug 2000 08:48:41 -0500





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Title: ELCA Announces Recipients of AAL Synodical Initiatives Grants

August 4, 2000


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Twenty-seven grants totaling $277,500 have been
awarded to synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
The grants were awarded as part of the Synodical Initiatives Grant
Program of Aid Association for Lutherans (AAL).  AAL is a fraternal
benefits organization based in Appleton, Wis.
     "The awards funded new initiatives that have the potential for
leading ELCA synods in new directions in critical areas of ministry,"
said Tammy Jackson, associate director, ELCA Department for Synodical
Relations.  Jackson provides staff assistance to the Churchwide-
Synodical Relations Committee of the Conference of Bishops, which
recommended the synod proposals to AAL for funding.    "The grants
awarded this year primarily funded new opportunities in the area of
leadership development," she said.
     The grants included:
     +"Building Community Connections" :The Northwest Washington Synod
received $17,875 to support the development and coordination of a
network that links the synod's trained lay leaders.  Plans call for four
     + "Rostered Persons Assessment Retreat": The Northwest Washington
Synod received $15,000 to help people become effective mission-oriented
leaders.  An intensive spiritual and comprehensive self-assessment
retreat process is included.
     + "Leaders for Mission Project": The Sierra Pacific Synod was
awarded $20,000 to help five of the synod's congregations become
reconnected with their communities and with each other.  "The Leaders
for Mission Project is the Lutheran component of a multi-congregation,
multi-denomination organization being formed to renew congregations in
their missions to their communities," said the Rev. Robert W. Mattheis,
bishop, ELCA Sierra Pacific Synod.  By bringing 10 different
denominations together for leadership training, the synod will foster a
community-wide dialogue.
     + "Reaching Out to the Next Generations": The Northeastern
Minnesota Synod was awarded $4,700 for the purpose of educating parents
and congregations on how to involve people ages 18-32 effectively in
the church.  Through workshops and training the synod will strive to
involve this critical age group in future church growth.
     + "Southwestern Minnesota Ministry Consultation": The Southwestern
Minnesota Synod was awarded $8,000 to develop a cooperative strategic
plan with Lutheran organizations to help young adults remain active in
     + "A Time to Build Up": The Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod was awarded
$10,000 to build a stronger partnership among pastors, congregational
leaders, synod staff and volunteer ministry teams through education.
     + "Seminary Recruitment Project": The Northern Texas-Northern
Louisiana Synod, Southwestern Texas Synod and the Texas-Louisiana Gulf
Coast Synod were awarded $15,000 to identify and support Latino lay
leaders for candidacy.  Those identified will be people who can serve in
developing Spanish-speaking congregations.
     + "Synodical Lutheran Youth Peer Ministry Training": The Nebraska
Synod was awarded $5,500 to implement a synod-wide training event to
equip three people from each of 50 congregations to be "peer ministers."
Peer ministers will share their expertise with the young people in their
congregations to develop opportunities for them to serve in their
     + "Lay Ministry Academy": The Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana
Synod was awarded $12,500 to offer courses in theology, worship, history
and pastoral care for those who want to become parish lay ministers.
When the two-year course is completed, participants will be certified to
serve in remote rural settings and in Spanish-speaking congregations.
     + "The Bethany House of Studies": The Central States Synod was
awarded $20,000 to fund courses that will encourage life-long learning
and spiritual growth among the people of central and western Kansas.
Partners for this project include the synod and its congregations, the
parish ministry associate program, a ministry that provides laity an
opportunity to take up leadership roles and other positions in
congregations and Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kan.
     + "Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Resource Center": The
Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod was awarded $5,500 for the
establishment of a synod resource center.  This center will strengthen
the mission and partnership of its congregations by providing a central
location and system for sharing videos, books and other resources.
     + "The Youth & Family Ministry Certification School": The
Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod was awarded $10,000 to launch a three-
week intensive training program for congregation leaders in the synod.
Leaders will gain professional skills in youth and family ministry
provided through the Center for Youth Ministries at Wartburg Theological
Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa.
     + "Student Leadership Academy": The Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast
Synod was awarded $10,000 to fund a student leadership training event to
support high school students.  The Student Leadership Academy will link
faithful leadership to the everyday lives of these youth and help them
discern their everyday life calling.
     + "Healthy Kids - Wholly Lives": The Northern Great Lakes Synod
was awarded $6,000 to promote the spiritual, physical and emotional
health of children, youth and teenagers in the synod.
     + "Resource Center with Internet Component": The Northwest Synod
of Wisconsin was awarded $20,000 to create a resource center that will
make information available via the Internet and through its physical
facility at First Lutheran Church in Eau Claire, Wis.  A Web site will
be linked to a vast number of sites that offer information on topics
such as youth and adult education, youth ministry, lay leadership
development, stewardship and evangelism.
     + "Arts and Spirituality": The Greater Milwaukee Synod was awarded
$8,625 to develop a youth-focused outreach ministry and resource center
for congregations in Milwaukee.  The outreach ministry and resource center
will provide youth with ways to participate in the life of the church
through the arts.
     + "Leadership Development & Empowerment Project": The Greater
Milwaukee Synod was awarded $10,000 to aid congregations in
understanding the cultural context of ministry as well as to identify
and train people for church leadership roles.
     + "Youth Involvement Program": The LaCrosse (Wis.) Area Synod was
awarded $4,000 to challenge high school youth to remain active in the
church after confirmation.  They will be trained as leaders in the
church and encouraged to consider careers in ordained leadership.
     + "Rural Stewardship Program": The LaCrosse Area Synod was awarded
$2,000 to involve rural youth in the future of their church by fostering
their involvement as stewardship leaders through a rural stewardship
     + "Youth Leadership Training": The LaCrosse Area Synod and the
South- Central Synod of Wisconsin were awarded $1,500 to further program
development of their second annual Youth Leadership Lab.  The program is
designed to provide personal growth opportunities in leadership and
ministry skills for the youth of the synods.
     + "Discerning the Church's Response to Gay and Lesbian
Relationships": The Southeast Michigan Synod was awarded $14,000 to
enable the staff and synod council to lead a process that would better
assess where they agree and disagree about clergy blessing of gay and
lesbian relationships.  This process would involve eight synod-wide
study, discussion and discernment events to assess this issue in a
suitable way.
     + "Evangelism School": The Indiana-Kentucky Synod was awarded
$20,000 to commence educational seminars that will provide resources,
training and encouragement as a source of outreach to "make Christ
known" throughout the synod.  The synod's goal for 2004 is to have all
members understand the importance of their own personal roles as
     + "Council Officers Training": The Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod
was awarded $4,000 to provide training  for council presidents and vice
presidents.  The training will focus on participants understanding their
call, skill building and building supportive relationships with fellow
officers, pastors and staff.
     + "MinistryLINK 2000 and Beyond": The Southeastern Pennsylvania
Synod was awarded $5,000 to connect leaders more efficiently with synod
resources via the Internet.  This Web site will identify ways for
congregations to submit information online.
     + "Children Youth & Family Ministry": The Northwestern
Pennsylvania Synod was awarded $6,000 to provide conference-based
resource centers and coordinators for use by rural congregational
leaders who seek access to youth and family ministry resources.
     + "Journeying From Racism to Inclusive Community": The
Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod was awarded $15,000 to offer anti-racism
workshops for the leadership of the synod and its congregations.
     + "Academy for Congregational Leadership": The Florida-Bahamas
Synod was awarded $7,300 to establish congregational leadership teams
committed to the intentional development and sustaining of leadership
development plans.  These teams will function with a clear focus on the
mission of the congregation in a fast-changing, complex, multicultural
and global environment.

     [*Michael N. Hoffman is a senior at the University of Kansas,
Lawrence, Kan.  This summer he is an intern with ELCA News and

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]

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