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ELCANEWS  May 2001



Egertson to Resign as ELCA Southern California (West) Synod Bishop


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Tue, 29 May 2001 16:58:23 -0500





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Title: Egertson to Resign as ELCA Southern California (West) Synod Bishop

May 29, 2001


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. Paul W. Egertson announced he will
resign as bishop of the Southern California (West) Synod of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), effective July 31, one
month before his six-year term will end. Egertson made the decision
following conversations with church leaders after his controversial
role as a key participant in the April 28 ordination of Anita C.
Hill, who is not approved for ordination in the ELCA.
     Egertson, 66, made his planned resignation known in a May 26
open letter to clergy in the synod and synod council members. The
letter was delivered by e-mail and posted on the synod's Web site.
     Egertson had earlier indicated he would not be available for
re-election when his term ends this summer. A new synod bishop will
be elected at the Southern California (West) Synod Assembly May 31-
June 2 in Woodland Hills, Calif.
     Egertson is a longtime proponent of ordaining gay and lesbian
people who are in committed relationships. He has told the ELCA
Conference of Bishops his son has been ready to be ordained in the
ELCA for several years, but a candidacy committee won't allow it
because of the church's ordination standards regarding homosexuality.
      Hill was ordained in St. Paul, Minn. Egertson joined with
retired bishops and clergy in the Hill ordination, despite the fact
that the Rev. Mark S. Hanson, bishop of the ELCA Saint Paul Area
Synod, declined to ordain her.
     Hill is not in compliance with an ELCA policy that requires
pastors who are homosexual in their self-understanding to refrain
from homosexual sexual relationships. Following the ordination, Hill
was installed to serve in a clergy role at St. Paul-Reformation
Lutheran Church, St. Paul, but her ordination is not recognized by
the ELCA.

     After it was announced Egertson would participate in the
ordination, the Rev. H. George Anderson, ELCA presiding bishop, said
he asked Egertson to reconsider. Following the ordination, Anderson
said he spoke with Egertson again. The discussions were private,
Anderson said, and he declined to discuss their content.
     After Egertson was elected bishop in 1994, members of the ELCA
Conference of Bishops expressed concern that he had been involved in
blessing same-sex relationships, Egertson told the Los Angeles Times.
The ELCA has no official policy on the issue, but the Conference of
Bishops advised pastors in 1993 that they do not approve of such
     The ELCA Conference of Bishops is an advisory body of the
church. Its members are the bishops of the ELCA's 65 synods, the
presiding bishop and secretary.
     Egertson promised the bishops in 1995 he would resign if he
ever felt he must defy church policy, he said in his letter.
Anderson, in consultation with the executive committee of the
Conference of Bishops, asked Egertson to honor that promise, Egertson
said in the letter.
     "I believe Bishop Egertson's decision to resign is honorable,
because, as he has indicated, he has followed through on a promise he
made to the Conference of Bishops of the ELCA," Anderson said in a
statement following Egertson's announcement of his intention to
resign. "I respect Bishop Egertson's integrity and his beliefs. I
do, however, regret that he participated in the ordination of a
candidate who was not approved for ordination in the ELCA, and
therefore, violated church policy."
     The Rev. Donald J. McCoid, bishop of the ELCA Southwestern
Pennsylvania Synod, Pittsburgh, and chair of the ELCA Conference of
Bishops, said the conference's response to Egertson's role in the
Hill ordination was pastoral, because the executive committee asked
Egertson to keep his word. The executive committee preferred
Egertson resign rather than face disciplinary proceedings, McCoid
said, adding that the resignation would close the matter, in his
     "I certainly do not see the need for any discipline at all," he
said. "His resignation is a statement."

     For his part, Egertson said he had received hundreds of
messages following the Los Angeles Times' report, and most supported
his position. Participating in Anita Hill's ordination was "an act
of ecclesiastical disobedience," protesting the ELCA's policy that
prohibits ordaining gay and lesbian people in committed
relationships, he said in the letter.
     The Southern California (West) Synod Council, with whom
Egertson consulted following the Hill ordination, adopted a
resolution supporting Egertson's position. It also said that if
Egertson chose to resign, July 31 would be the preferred date, to
allow for an orderly transition to the new bishop.
     Despite his disagreement with the church's policy, Egertson
wrote in his letter that he could not deny the promise he made to the
Conference of Bishops.
     "Whatever I said and however I said it, I said it intentionally
to gain their trust," Egertson wrote. "That single fact changes the
issue for me considerably. It makes this a matter of personal
integrity rather than reforming strategy. What's more, in addition
to that first promise, I have also publicly pledged to accept
whatever penalty is imposed for my participation in the act of
ecclesiastical disobedience in St. Paul."
     Egertson also offered his understanding of what his resignation
means and what it does not mean. In his letter, Egertson said:
     + that his resignation does not mean he recants or wishes to
diminish the protest he made by participating in the Hill ordination.
     + that his resignation does not mean it is a precedent to be
applied to others who commit acts of "conscientious disobedience."
     + that his resignation does not mean he admits to any
particular violation of his installation vows or provisions of the
ELCA Constitution.
     + that his resignation means he cannot carry out the
responsibilities of the bishop's office to enforce ELCA policies with
regard to gay and lesbian people. "I know that I cannot enforce a
policy that is so hurtful to people and to this church," he said.
     + that his resignation means that he recognizes his
"accountability to good order in the church and my responsibility to
assume the consequences of my actions."
     In response to supporters, Egertson affirmed the importance of
his promise to the Conference of Bishops. "I cannot believe our
cause would be advanced by breaking my promises," he wrote. "In the
end, the only credibility we have is in the truth we tell and the
promises we keep."
     Egertson was elected bishop of the Southern California (West)
Synod at a special synod assembly in November 1994. The assembly was
called to elect a new bishop, following the resignation in August
1994 of the Rev. J. Roger Anderson, who left to become pastor of an
Arizona congregation. In the interim, the Rev. Vance R. Knutsen was
appointed by the synod council to serve in the bishop's role before
Egertson's election.
     Egertson earned a bachelor's degree from Pepperdine University,
Los Angeles, a master of divinity from Luther Seminary, St. Paul,
Minn., and a doctoral degree from the School of Theology, Claremont,
     Before he was bishop, Egertson was adjunct professor, and
later, assistant professor of religion, at California Lutheran
University, Thousand Oaks, Calif., an ELCA higher education
institution. He also served a shared time appointment as pastor at
St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, North Hollywood, Calif.
     For 13 years, he was director of the Center for Theological
Study, Thousand Oaks, Calif. Egertson also served as pastor at ELCA
congregations in Lakewood, Calif., Las Vegas, Nev. and South Gate,
     Earlier this year, Egertson said after his term as bishop, he
intends to return to teaching at California Lutheran University.
     The Southern California (West) Synod has 45,955 baptized
members in 140 congregations. Its offices are in Glendale, Calif.

     Bishop Egertson's letter can be found at on the Southern California (West) Synod Web

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]

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