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ELCANEWS  May 2002



Will Herzfeld, AELC Presiding Bishop, Rights Activist, Dies


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Tue, 14 May 2002 15:40:29 -0500





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Title: Will Herzfeld, AELC Presiding Bishop, Rights Activist, Dies

May 10, 2002


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. Will L. Herzfeld, presiding bishop of
the former Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches (AELC), civil
rights activist, ecumenist and pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America (ELCA), died May 9 at a local hospital.
     At the time of his death, Herzfeld, 64, Chicago, was associate
executive director, ELCA Division for Global Mission, a position he held
since 1993.
     Herzfeld died following a sudden attack of cerebral malaria, said
the Rev. Bonnie L. Jensen, executive director, ELCA Division for Global
Mission. Herzfeld just returned a week earlier from consultations in
Cameroon and the Central African Republic, she said.
     "Pastor Herzfeld was truly a spirit-filled leader who heeded
Christ's command to be a witness throughout the world," said the Rev.
Mark S. Hanson, Chicago, ELCA presiding bishop. "He was a witness to
God's desire for justice as he worked tirelessly for the end of racism.
He was a witness to God's desire for peace as he built bridges of
reconciliation and cooperation between global churches. He was a
witness to God's love as he proclaimed the good news of Jesus Christ.
For his leadership, passion, faith and witness, we give thanks to God."
     In his role with the ELCA, Herzfeld was a key leader in the
church's international program, which put the ELCA in partnership
relationships with 70 Lutheran church bodies and with 25 other churches
and institutions. He helped place some 300 missionaries and volunteers.
     "A person with uncanny insight, constant respect for people with
whom he was conversing, and a focus on the gospel, Will conveyed a
partnership, an accompaniment, of a large North American church with
churches in other lands in a manner that transcended economic, cultural
and political boundaries," Jensen said.
     In recent years, Herzfeld was a vice president of the National
Council of Churches in Christ in the U.S.A. (NCC), an organization of 36
member communions and denominations representing more than 50 million
people. He was also president of Church World Service and Witness, the
relief, development and refugee assistance ministry of the NCC.
Herzfeld continued to serve on the NCC executive board and general
assembly until his death.
     "Will was a valued friend and colleague of all of us in the
ecumenical movement and was particularly loved and respected for the
spiritual quality of the leadership he gave to Church World Service and
the National Council of Churches," said the Rev. Bob Edgar, NCC general
secretary. "We nicknamed him 'the Chaplain,' and always appreciated the
insights and the wisdom born of deep faith that he shared with us."
     In the Lutheran church in the United States, Herzfeld was best
known for his role as AELC presiding bishop, a position he held from
1984 through 1987. He was the first African American to serve as the
national leader of a Lutheran church body. In his role with the AELC,
Herzfeld was a leader of the Commission for a New Lutheran Church, which
led to the formation of the ELCA in 1987 through the merger of the AELC,
the American Lutheran Church and Lutheran Church in America.
     "He was so supportive and understanding during those early years
of the church and transition," said the Rev. Herbert W. Chilstrom, Green
Valley, Ariz., who was the first ELCA presiding bishop from 1987 to
1995. "Not only was he a source of factual information, but he was
simply a wise man. His perception was uncanny."
     Chilstrom called Herzfeld "a delightful travel companion --
always in good humor -- and that was especially important in those early
years." The two maintained that bond ever since, Chilstrom said. "I've
lost a good friend."
  "I have lost a friend and trusted adviser," said the Rev. H.
George Anderson, Prospect Heights, Ill., ELCA presiding bishop from 1995
to 2001. "Will Herzfeld helped this church become a supportive
companion to younger Lutheran churches around the world. His legacy is
a stronger global church."
     Herzfeld was born in 1937 in Mobile, Ala. He earned an associate
of arts degree from Immanuel Lutheran College, Greensboro, N.C., in
1958, and a master of divinity degree from Immanuel Lutheran Seminary,
Greensboro, in 1960. He also attended Concordia Seminary, St. Louis,
and the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala.. He held honorary
doctor of divinity degrees from the former Christ Seminary-Seminex, St.
Louis, and the Center for Urban Black Studies, Graduate Theological
Union, Berkeley, Calif. In 1977 the Lutheran School of Theology at
Chicago (LSTC), one of the eight ELCA seminaries, gave him a
Distinguished Alumni Award. Christ Seminary merged with LSTC in 1987.
     Herzfeld was ordained by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS)
in 1961. He became pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, Tuscaloosa, Ala.,
where he served until 1965. It was there that he participated in
organizing the Tuscaloosa chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership
Conference (SCLC) and served as its first president. He was also
president of the Alabama State SCLC and was a close associate of the
late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., during those years. While he was
pastor in Tuscaloosa, he served the LCMS Southern District in several
leadership roles.
     Herzfeld was urban minister for the LCMS California and Nevada
District from 1965 to 1970, where he developed relationships with
several community organizations and Black ecumenical organizations.
  In 1970 he became an urban planning consultant for the former
Lutheran Council in the U.S.A., an organization through which several
Lutheran church bodies coordinated their work.
In 1973 he became pastor of Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Oakland, Calif.,
and served there until 1992.
     While pastor of Bethlehem, Herzfeld served as AELC vice president
for five years before he became AELC presiding bishop. He was a board
member of Evangelical Lutherans in Mission (ELIM) for two years. ELIM
was an organization of moderates within the Lutheran Church-Missouri
Synod. Many of ELIM's members formed the AELC.
    Herzfeld held numerous church and community leadership positions
during his lifetime. He was vice president of Lutheran World Relief;
professor of urban ministry, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary,
an ELCA seminary; and a member of the board of regents of California
University, Thousand Oaks, Calif., an ELCA higher education institution.
     He was a past vice president of the Lutheran Human Relations
Association, Milwaukee, and served on the executive committee of the
Wheat Ridge Foundation board of directors. He was also a member of the
board of trustees of LCMS' Walther League and a member of the board of
missions of the LCMS. Herzfeld was a member of the board of directors
of the National Conference of Black Churchmen and was western regional
vice president.
     He attended global ecumenical assemblies of the Lutheran World
Federation and World Council of Churches.
     Herzfeld's community leadership roles were numerous. They
included service with the State of California Attorney General's
Commission on Racial, Ethnic, Religious and Minority Violence, Oakland
Mayor's Earthquake Relief Committee, Citizen's Emergency Relief Team,
Alameda County Human Relations Commission, Oakland Mayor's Blue Ribbon
Commission on Crime and Oakland Citizen's Committee for Urban Renewal.
Herzfeld also served as chaplain of the National Basketball
Association's Golden State Warriors.
     Herzfeld is survived by his first wife, Thressa, three grown
children, Martin, Katherine and Stephen, and five grandchildren. His
second wife, the Rev. Michele L. Robinson, died in July 2001.
    Services are at 10 a.m., May 18, at Evangelical Lutheran Church of
St. Luke, 1500 W. Belmont Ave., Chicago. A memorial service will
be held at 3 p.m. June 9, at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Oakland, Calif.
-- -- --
  Editors: Thressa is spelled correctly.
  Photo images of Rev. Herzfeld are available at

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]

Weekend contact information for John Brooks: 847-3840369 home
or 847-638-1608 cell.

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