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ELCANEWS  July 2003

ELCANEWS July 2003


Lutherans Express Concern Over Social, Church Issues


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Fri, 11 Jul 2003 17:56:43 -0500





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July 11, 2003

Lutherans Express Concern Over Social, Church Issues

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America (ELCA) serving as voting members to 2003 synod
assemblies addressed several topics, according to reports from
early assemblies on file here with the ELCA Department for
Synodical Relations.  Topics included gambling, ecumenical
agreements, mission plans, evangelism and homosexuality within
the church.
     The ELCA is organized into 65 synods, each headed by an
elected bishop.  Synods generally hold annual assemblies in which
they elect leaders, determine budgets and address topics of
concern through resolutions.
     Reports filed with the Department for Synodical Relations by
July 4 included:
     + Gambling: The Alaska Synod assembly expressed its
opposition to efforts to expand legalized gambling in the State
of Alaska.  Its resolution stated that "legalized gambling seems
to violate our strong commitment to progressive taxation" and that
gambling has a detrimental impact on the poor.
     The Southeastern Minnesota Synod assembly adopted a
resolution opposing passage of the gambling legislation known as
"Racino" because of its destructiveness to the families and society
of the State of Minnesota, the resolution said.
     The North Carolina Synod assembly adopted a resolution
opposing a state lottery in North Carolina.
     + Sexuality: The Northwest Washington Synod tabled a
resolution affirming marriage as the life-long union of one man
and one woman and regards any change in the doctrine of marriage
as "a grave error."
     The Indiana-Kentucky Synod assembly delayed action on three
proposed resolutions pending further discussion.  The first asks
the ELCA Division for Outreach to rescind its relationship with
Lutherans Concerned/North America because it "promotes approval of
homosexual behavior, ordination of practicing homosexuals and
blessing of same-sex unions ..."
     The second  resolution welcomes gay and lesbian people
within the life and ministry of the synod and encourages them to
share in all aspects of the life of the synod.
     The third resolution is an appeal to the Conference of
Bishops and the committee conducting the current study on
homosexuality "to reaffirm orthodox Christian teaching on
sexuality, marriage and ministerial discipline."
     + Anti-racism: The Northwest Washington Synod assembly
approved a resolution endorsing anti-racism training for all
congregations and leaders within the Northwest Washington Synod.
     The Texas-Louisiana-Gulf Coast Synod passed a resolution
encouraging anti-racism education within the synod in order to
build "mutual respect and love with other racial, ethnic and
cultural groups."
     It also adopted a resolution to create, endorse and support
a Tri-Synodical Hispanic/Latino Strategic Plan to integrate
multiple cultural expressions.
     The North Carolina Synod assembly resolved that the Office
of the Bishop of the North Carolina Synod partner with the
Division for Outreach, the Multi-cultural Committee of the Synod
and the North Carolina Chapter of the African American Lutheran
Association actively to  engage in developing and implementing a
strategy for ministry with people of African descent.
     + "All Our Children": The Northwest Washington Synod assembly
resolved that congregations and individuals of the synod commit
to the Lutheran World Relief "All Our Children" campaign to help
children in Iraq survive disease and deprivation by providing
funds for medicines, surgical sets, nutritional supplements and
improved sanitation.
     + Ecumenical agreements: The Montana Synod assembly proposed
an ELCA constitutional change that would require any ecumenical
agreement or changes to ELCA ministry standards to be ratified by
three-fourths of the ELCA synods or by a majority of ELCA
     + Armed forces: The Montana Synod assembly affirmed that
members of the ELCA serving in the Armed Forces, particularly
those returning from duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, "have
legitimately exercised their Christian vocation and
responsibility to the world."  The resolution stated that faithful
military service to one's country is consistent with Christian
     + Office addition: The South Dakota Synod assembly
authorized the construction of an addition and adequate
remodeling of the synod office space.  In a separate resolution
it requested $7 per confirmed member, with proceeds used to pay
off the loan necessary for construction.
     + Colombia: The South Dakota Synod assembly resolved to pray
for the churches and people of Colombia and to write
congressional representatives requesting U.S. foreign aid to
Colombia.  Colombia's escalating violence claims 100 lives daily
and has resulted in the violent deaths of over 60 Protestant
pastors in the last two years, according to the resolution.
     + Lay Compensation:  The New England Synod passed a
resolution encouraging congregations to provide employee benefits
programs to lay staff who work more than 20 hours per week.
     + Sales tax on food: The South Dakota Synod assembly
encouraged congregations to increase awareness and advocacy
efforts to encourage the state legislature to end sales tax on
food.  Taxing food contributes to hunger in South Dakota, is
detrimental to the health and well-being of children, the
elderly, people with diabetes and other nutrition-related
conditions, the resolution said.
     + Campus ministry support: The Southeastern Minnesota Synod
assembly passed a resolution to collect a special offering within
the synod to support the Lutheran Campus Ministry of Minnesota.
     + Older adult week: The Indiana-Kentucky Synod assembly
considered a resolution to adopt one week of the year to be
designated as "older adult week" because an increasing number of
the national population are older adults.
     + Tanzania salary assistance: The Northwestern Ohio Synod
assembly passed a resolution supporting salary assistance for
church workers in the Dodoma Diocese, Tanzania.
     + "Hope in the Lord Jesus Christ": The New England Synod
assembly adopted a resolution to commend the Presbyterian Church
(U.S.A.) (PCUSA) statement on salvation in Jesus Christ. "...
this statement deals with the very heart of the Christian Gospel
and the doctrinal basis on which the [ELCA] and the [PCUSA]..."
the resolution said.
     + Human sexuality: The North Carolina Synod assembly adopted
a resolution that the synod provide opportunities for
conversation and study on homosexuality and human sexuality at
the 2004 synod assembly.
     + Same-sex unions: The North Carolina Synod assembly
affirmed the expression of biblical and confessional teaching
regarding same-sex unions as in conformity with statements from
the October 1993 meeting of the ELCA Conference of Bishops and
the 1990 ELCA Church Council document "Vision and Expectations."
      + Mission support:  The North Carolina Synod assembly
adopted a resolution that voting members of the synod assembly
return to their congregations and "prayerfully and prophetically
remind their members and leaders" of a promise of financial
support for mission.
     + Augusta Victoria Hospital: The North Carolina Synod
assembly encouraged members of synod congregations to contact
their U.S. representatives and senators about issues regarding
the plight of Palestinian refugees and encouraged the ELCA
Division for Church in Society, through the Lutheran Office for
Governmental Affairs in Washington, D.C., to develop new
strategies to address this issue.
     + Historic episcopate:  The North Carolina Synod assembly
defeated a resolution calling for the ELCA Church Council to
consider changes in ELCA governing documents that would freely
permit those seeking ordination as pastors or installation as
bishops to do so with or without the participation of bishops in
historic succession, and that such options have equal standing in
the ELCA.
     + Water stewardship: The North Carolina Synod assembly
adopted a resolution urging synod members to protect and restore
water supplies through both personal and political activity.
     + Living wage: The North Carolina Synod assembly adopted a
resolution urging member congregations to support Living Wage
Ordinance campaigns within their communities.
     + Executions: The North Carolina Synod assembly adopted a
resolution supporting a suspension of executions in North
     + Nuclear weapons: The North Carolina Synod assembly adopted
a resolution calling for discussion about the development and use
of nuclear weapons within congregations and communities in the
     + Christian-Muslim relations: The Texas-Louisiana-Gulf Coast
Synod assembly passed a resolution to encourage and facilitate
dialogue between the two faiths within the state of Texas.

* Jessica A. Crane is completing her bachelor of arts degree at
Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn.  This summer she is an intern
with ELCA News and Media Production.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]

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