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ELCANEWS  June 2004

ELCANEWS June 2004


Early ELCA Synod Assemblies Address Sexuality, Other Issues


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Wed, 30 Jun 2004 10:44:36 -0500





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June 30, 2004

Early ELCA Synod Assemblies Address Sexuality, Other Issues

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Several synod assemblies of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) meeting this spring addressed a series
of concerns related to the current ELCA Studies on Sexuality.  Most
assemblies that adopted memorials addressed to the churchwide assembly or
resolutions on the issues stated their opposition to or registered
concerns about possible changes in ELCA policy. At the same time the
assemblies encouraged congregations to be involved actively in the study
process, according to reports on file in the ELCA Department for Synodical
Relations through June 21.
     Other issues addressed by assemblies included conflict in the Middle
East, the war in Iraq, ordination and the historic episcopate, the
environment, hunger, mission funding, lay leadership, ELCA church
structure and HIV/AIDS.
     Five bishops were re-elected to six-year terms at their assemblies
this spring: the Rev. Murray D. Finck, Pacifica Synod; the Rev. Marcus C.
Lohrmann, Northwestern Ohio Synod; the Rev. Robert A. Rimbo, Southeast
Michigan Synod; the Rev. James R. Stuck, Indiana-Kentucky Synod; and the
Rev. Gary M. Wollersheim, Northern Illinois Synod.
     The ELCA Department for Synodical Relations routinely receives
reports from synod assemblies through churchwide representatives.  Reports
from about 18 assemblies, most held in early and mid-June, had not yet
been received by the department by June 21.
     On sexuality, the assemblies addressed topics such as scriptural
references, pre-marital sex, people who are gay and lesbian serving in
church leadership positions, ratification of constitutional amendments,
prohibiting policies to allow blessings of same-gender relationships,
development of guidelines for clergy in same-gender relationships, support
for specific congregations and programs, and church unity in the wake of
sexuality policy decisions to be made in the future.
     The 2001 ELCA Churchwide Assembly mandated the study process in
preparation for decisions the 2005 assembly is to make on whether or not
people in committed homosexual relationships should be ordained and
whether or not the ELCA should have an official policy on blessing of
committed same-gender relationships.  In addition, a task force assigned
to the studies is to develop a proposed social statement on human
sexuality for the assembly to consider in 2007.
     Current ELCA policy expects professional ministers to refrain from
all sexual relations outside marriage.  The church has no official policy
on blessing same-gender relationships, but   in 1993 the ELCA Conference
of Bishops stated it does not approve of such ceremonies.  The Conference
of Bishops is an advisory body of the church.
     Actions of synod assemblies are as follows:
     + Scriptural References and Authority: The Northwest Washington Synod
assembly sent a memorial to the churchwide assembly that said: "We hold
what the Holy Bible says is normative and authoritative and that all
considerations in matters of faith and morality based on other sources
such as church doctrine, contemporary experience and knowledge never be
granted equal or greater importance than that of the Holy Bible."
     The Central/Southern Illinois Synod assembly affirmed "that proper
procedure for the proclamation of the gospel begins with letting Holy
Scripture speak for itself" and that "pastors and bishops of this synod be
encouraged as they continue striving for fidelity to the Holy Scriptures,
creeds and confessions in their proclamation, faith and life."
     + Premarital sex: The Southwestern Texas Synod assembly sent a
resolution to the ELCA Church Council that stated only sexual intercourse
between those who are married is acceptable.
     + People who are gay and lesbian in church leadership: The Northern
Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod assembly asked the ELCA Churchwide Assembly
to oppose allowing people "participating in homosexual relationships to
hold positions of leadership, particularly bishops or pastors in the
     + Same-sex lifestyles: The North Carolina Synod assembly asked the
ELCA Church Council to "provide guidance, materials and support for local
parishes that want to offer a Christian ministry specifically for persons
who want to exit same-sex lifestyles."
     + ELCA Studies on Sexuality: Five synod assemblies -- Northwestern
Minnesota, Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana, Montana, Indiana-Kentucky
and South Dakota -- asked the churchwide assembly to affirm scriptural
principles and recommend no change to policies in "Vision and
Expectations," the ELCA policy document that states standards for
professional leaders in the ELCA.  The South Carolina Synod assembly went
on record affirming current ELCA policy.
     The North Carolina Synod assembly called for completion of the
four-year study process without further delay; the Southwestern
Pennsylvania Synod assembly directed its synod council to petition the
ELCA presiding bishop and ELCA Conference of Bishops to "take whatever
steps are necessary to delay the vote at the 2005 Churchwide Assembly" on
sexuality issues until the adoption of a social statement on human
sexuality.  The La Crosse (Wis.) Area Synod said it would refrain from
adopting a position on the sexuality issues until the task force releases
its report and recommendations.
     + American Lutheran Church (ALC) social statement: The South Dakota
Synod  assembly asked the ELCA to affirm the former ALC statement on
"Human Sexuality and Sexual Behavior," and "to adopt no change in current
ELCA policies regarding the blessing of same-sex unions" and ordinations.
The resolution also directed the synod bishop to communicate this to the
ELCA Conference of Bishops.
     + Social Policy: The Central/Southern Illinois Synod sent a
resolution to the ELCA Church Council suggesting that to "revise
established teaching and policy regarding blessing of same-gender
relationships and/or rostering of approved candidates who are in committed
same-gender relationships" be considered as "exceptional social policy
resolution(s)." It said that such resolution(s) should require
"accompanying supporting foundational theological material and [a]
two-thirds vote for adoption."
     + Consulting with partner churches: The Indiana-Kentucky Synod
assembly requested that the churchwide assembly ask that the sexuality
studies task force consult with partner churches on issues of ordaining
people who are gay and lesbian and in committed relationships, and
blessing of same-gender relationships.
     + Ratification of constitutional amendments: The Montana Synod
assembly and the South Dakota Synod assembly adopted resolutions that said
amendments to the ELCA Constitution and Bylaws ought to be ratified by
three-fourths of the ELCA synods in assembly or a majority of
congregations within one calendar year.  The South Dakota Synod assembly
also memorialized the churchwide assembly to "initiate action that would
call upon each congregation of the ELCA to ratify any decision regarding
the blessing of same-sex unions and/or rostering of non-celibate gay and
lesbian persons."  The Eastern North Dakota Synod assembly memorialized
the churchwide assembly to initiate action that each congregation be asked
to ratify within a 12-month period decisions on same-gender blessings and
rostering of gay and lesbian people in committed relationships.
     + Two-thirds majority: The Indiana-Kentucky Synod and Eastern North
Dakota Synod assemblies suggested that changes in polices on ordination
standards be adopted only by a two-thirds majority vote by the ELCA Church
Council and 2005 Churchwide Assembly.
     + Consecration of a non-celibate homosexual bishop: The North
Carolina Synod assembly resolved that the synod secretary "communicate to
the Episcopal Church local diocese by letter this synod's deepest regret
and concern with its action consecrating a non-celibate homosexual person
as bishop."
     + Participation in ELCA Studies on Sexuality: Many synods that
addressed the studies adopted resolutions encouraging members to
participate by using study materials provided by the church.
     + Church unity: The Northeastern Ohio Synod assembly and the Northern
Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod assembly adopted resolutions noting that
"unity shared at the font and around the table" will not be broken by
differing perspectives on human sexuality.
     + Guidelines for candidates for ordained ministry: The Alaska Synod
assembly adopted a resolution to appoint a task force to prepare written
guidelines for working with candidates for "called ministry," and those
guidelines are to address candidates or clergy in same-gender
relationships.  The assembly also directed the synod council to submit the
resolution to the ELCA Church Council as a model for future consideration.
     + Support for civil marriage: The Sierra Pacific Synod assembly
adopted a resolution that said it "supports efforts to make civil marriage
for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) couples a reality in our
country, and opposes any attempt to discriminate against GLBT couples and
individuals."  The Metropolitan New York Synod assembly said it "endorses
and supports recognition of and legislation to provide for gay and lesbian
persons to receive the status, benefits and restrictions, and
responsibilities of marriage conferred upon heterosexual persons under
civil law; and … opposes efforts to ban, limit or overturn the full civil
recognition of same-sex relationships."
     + Support for congregations and Extraordinary Candidacy Project
(ECP): The Sierra Pacific Synod assembly invited two congregations -- St.
Francis Lutheran Church and First United Lutheran Church, both in San
Francisco -- to apply for full membership in the synod and urged the
Sierra Pacific Synod Council to accept their applications.  The two
congregations were expelled from the ELCA Dec. 31, 1995, for calling
pastors who were not in compliance with ELCA clergy standards.  The synod
assembly also said it will maintain a list of significant dates of
Extraordinary Candidacy project pastors serving congregations of the
synod, honor pastors on anniversaries, and it directed that all official
directories/lists published will list name of ECP pastors.  ECP is an
organization outside the ELCA that was formed "to promote the full
participation of sexual minority persons in the professional life of the
Lutheran church," according to its purpose statement.

Synod Assemblies Address Other Issues
     The synod assemblies also adopted resolutions on a variety of other
     + Middle East: The Minneapolis Area Synod memorialized the churchwide
assembly to express solidarity with Christians and others in the Middle
East who seek peace.
     + War in Iraq: The Northwest Washington Synod assembly adopted a
resolution of "support and encouragement" for the Rev. Mark S. Hanson,
ELCA presiding bishop, for his efforts to promote peaceful transition of
authority in Iraq.  By a narrow margin, the Sierra Pacific Synod assembly
adopted a resolution condemning the "unjust war in Iraq," and declared
itself to be an opponent of the war.  It urged the ELCA to declare its
opposition and that President George W. Bush recognize and support the
authority of the United Nations to promote peace and rebuilding in Iraq.
The resolution also said the synod offers support and prayers for "our
troops in Iraq and all people involved and affected by this war."
     + Ecumenical matters: The Northwestern Minnesota, Montana and Eastern
Washington-Idaho synod assemblies memorialized the churchwide assembly to
permit those seeking ordination or installation to do so freely with or
without the participation of bishops in the historic episcopate "and that
these options have equal standing in the life of the ELCA."  The South
Dakota Synod requested that the ELCA Conference of Bishops reaffirm its
commitment to honor the "exceptions" bylaw, requested that the ELCA
Secretary and each synod bishop make no distinctions in rosters or records
of those who do not participate in the historic episcopate.
     The New Jersey Synod assembly encouraged dialogue and teaching of
history related to Jewish/Christian relations within the synod while
denouncing forms of bias and hatred.
     + Environment: The Metropolitan New York and South Dakota synod
assemblies memorialized the churchwide assembly to increase attention to
and support for environmental education and advocacy, so that the church
may carry out the vision, hope and justice goals of the 1993 social
statement on the environment.
     + Hunger: The West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod and
Central/Southern Illinois Synod assemblies adopted resolutions asking the
ELCA Church Council to make ending hunger a "core conviction" for this
church.  The La Crosse Area (Wis.) Synod assembly adopted resolutions
encouraging participation in the Lutheran campaign, "Stand With Africa,"
and ELCA World Hunger Appeal giving.
     + Mission funding: The Northwest Washington Synod assembly set aside
$600,000 for starting new congregations and for '"transformational
ministry projects" over a five-year period.  It set aside another $270,000
for leadership development projects or matching grants for stewardship and
evangelism over five years.  Most of the funds for the projects came from
the sale of property.
     + Mission strategy: The Grand Canyon Synod assembly adopted a
detailed Latino ministry strategy.
     + Lay leadership: The Northwestern Minnesota Synod assembly
encouraged the ELCA Division for Ministry to recommend revising the ELCA
Constitution to provide congregations with authority to train and appoint
lay people to preside at Holy Communion when an ordained pastor is not
available; the Northern Great Lakes Synod assembly asked the churchwide
assembly that licensed lay leaders be given permission to perform weddings
in their congregations under appointment by a synod bishop.
     The South Dakota Synod assembly recognized and affirmed congregations
that identify people to be trained and appointed by the synod bishop to
preside at Holy Communion when an ordained pastor is not available,
following normal procedures for synodically authorized ministers.
     + Church structure: The Montana Synod assembly directed its synod
council to send a resolution to the ELCA Church Council to change the
council's membership to include one member from each of the 65 synods.
Members would be elected at synod assemblies.
     + Renewing Worship: The North Carolina Synod assembly memorialized
the churchwide assembly to postpone consideration of new worship resources
proposed by the Renewing Worship task force until 2007 or later because of
lack of awareness and opportunity to review and comment on proposed
     + HIV/AIDS: The New Jersey Synod assembly resolved to support the
sale of syringes without prescriptions and the establishment of a syringe
exchange program to help reduce spread of blood-borne diseases.  The
Sierra Pacific Synod assembly urged all candidates for U.S. President to
endorse and implement measures to fight AIDS globally.
     Information about the ELCA's 65 synods is available through the ELCA
Department for Synodical Relations at on the ELCA
Web site.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]

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