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ELCANEWS  October 2004

ELCANEWS October 2004


ELCA Bishops, Vatican Leader, Reflect On Joint Declaration


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Fri, 8 Oct 2004 15:30:22 -0500





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October 8, 2004

ELCA Bishops, Vatican Leader, Reflect On Joint Declaration

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of
Justification -- a significant document for Lutherans and
Catholics signed in 1999 in Augsburg, Germany -- "should not
remain a paper and a 'dead' letter," said Cardinal Walter Kasper.
The document "must become known, lived out and become a reality
in the body of the church," he said.
     Kasper, president, Pontifical Council for Promoting
Christian Unity, The Vatican, made the comment in an Oct. 2
address to the Conference of Bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America (ELCA). The Conference of Bishops is an
advisory body of the church, consisting of the church's 65 synod
bishops, presiding bishop and secretary. It met here Sept. 30-
Oct. 4.  ELCA synod vice presidents, meeting here simultaneously
with the conference, met with the bishops Oct. 2.
     Cardinal Kasper's visit was in recognition of the 5th
anniversary of the signing of the Joint Declaration on Oct. 31,
1999.  Kasper also noted this is also the 40th anniversary year
of the Second Vatican Council, convened by Pope John XXIII.
"Vatican II" marked a fundamental shift toward the modern
Catholic Church and emphasized ecumenism.
     Different understandings of the doctrine of justification
were key factors in events that led to the Protestant
Reformation, separating Lutherans and Catholics for nearly 500
years.  With the Joint Declaration, the Lutheran World Federation
(LWF) and The Vatican agreed to a common understanding of the
doctrine of justification and declared that certain 16th century
condemnations of each other no longer apply.  The LWF is a global
communion of 138 member churches in 77 countries, representing
nearly 65 million Lutherans.
     Pope John Paul II described the Joint Declaration as a
"milestone," Kasper said.  "The image fits the situation
exactly," he said.  "We have reached an important staging post
but are not yet at the final goal.  The Joint Declaration is
important even though it has limits.  Its greatness lies in the
fact that we can now give joint witness to what is at the heart
of our faith, and with this common witness we enter together a
new century and a new millennium."
     The increasingly secularized world "needs such common
witness," Kasper declared.
     Kasper pointed out that the Joint Declaration does not
address other "problems" that remain between Protestants and
Catholics.  Those questions include understandings of "simul
iustus et peccator," a Lutheran doctrine that enables a believer
to be justified and sinner at the same time; cooperation; how to
speak about "merits"; and the central "normativity" of the
doctrine of justification, he said.  The Joint Declaration
represents what Kasper called "differentiated consensus rather
than total agreement."  Lutherans and Catholics are continuing in
an international theological dialogue on many questions.
     Kasper was upbeat about the meaning of the signing of the
Joint Declaration, saying that the relationship between Catholics
and Lutherans "reached a new quality and intensity."
     "We held out hands to each other as churches, and we do not
wish to let go ever again," he said.
     "I have rarely met a human being who so embodies the gifts
of the [Holy] Spirit as you do," said the Rev. Mark S. Hanson,
ELCA presiding bishop and LWF president, as he introduced Kasper.
"You are a person of profound wisdom and grace."
     Hanson told the bishops and vice presidents that Kasper does
not diminish the work that remains for Lutherans and Catholics.
     "He keeps calling us not to be discouraged in the face of
those challenges, but to find our encouragement in our common
life in the Holy Spirit," Hanson said.
     While in the Chicago area, Kasper preached during an Oct. 1
"Solemn Vespers" service that included the Conference of Bishops,
vice presidents, seminary presidents and the public at St. Luke's
Lutheran Church, Park Ridge, Ill.  He also preached during a
morning prayer service Oct. 2.

Formal Responses Bring 'Challenge'
     The Rev. Duane H. Larson, president of Wartburg Seminary,
Dubuque, Iowa, and the Rev. Marcus J. Miller, bishop of the ELCA
Northeastern Ohio Synod, Cuyahoga Falls, provided brief formal
responses to Kasper's address.
     Larson summarized his remarks about the significance of the
Joint Declaration in five key points:
+ that "real and realistic progress" had been achieved through
the Joint Declaration;
+ that "even more substantive progress or consensus" had been
+ that there is "theological and ecclesial work to be done;"
+ that Kasper envisions "a robust ecumenical life of the Spirit"
through prayer, Bible study and "justice-doing;" and
+ that the Joint Declaration is going to prove itself "as more
effective and productive in real church life together" than
perhaps other church documents.
     Miller, who was present for the signing in 1999, said he
recalled how then-Bishop Kasper and the Rev. Ishmael Noko, LWF
general secretary, embraced unexpectedly after they signed the
Joint Declaration.  Miller said Noko told him that the embrace
happened "because we couldn't help ourselves."
     "We can't help ourselves as we look at the daunting tasks
that continue to lie ahead and pursue those with all of the
energy we have as church," Miller said.  "The urgency to heal the
brokenness we have at the table (Holy Communion) is for us also a
pastoral matter.  The faithful are divided at the table in many
of our synods and dioceses."
     It is not possible for Lutherans to commune in most Roman
Catholic congregations, a point Hanson raised in an audience with
Pope John Paul II at the Vatican last year.  ELCA congregations
generally welcome all who believe in Jesus Christ and are
baptized to participate in Holy Communion.
     Miller proposed that when the two churches mark the 10th
anniversary of the Joint Declaration, both churches prepare some
materials that can be used by Lutherans and Catholics for
"confession, forgiveness and renewal of the heart."
     Photos from Cardinal Kasper's visit are at on the ELCA Web

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]

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