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ELCANEWS  February 2006

ELCANEWS February 2006


ELCA Task Force on Human Sexuality Begins Anew


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Fri, 10 Feb 2006 09:32:49 -0600





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February 10, 2006

ELCA Task Force on Human Sexuality Begins Anew

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
(ELCA) Task Force on Human Sexuality met here Feb. 2-5, welcomed
six new members and began discussing which topics to include in
study materials to help the church develop a social statement on
human sexuality by 2009.
     The work of the task force was mandated by the ELCA
Churchwide Assembly in 2001. The ELCA's chief legislative body,
the churchwide assembly, meets every other year; the next
assembly will be here in August 2007.
     The 2001 assembly asked for recommendations on two key
questions regarding homosexuality -- whether or not the church
should bless same-gender relationships and whether or not it
should allow people in such relationships to serve the church as
professional lay and ordained ministers. It also asked for a
social statement on human sexuality.
     The task force issued its report and recommendations on
homosexuality in January 2005. Directing its attention toward
developing the social statement, the task force asked the ELCA
Church Council for and received an extension from 2007 to 2009
for proposing a social statement. On its new time line, the task
force will prepare materials to guide the church's 4.9 million
members in a 2007 study and response that will inform drafting of
the social statement.
     Goals for this particular meeting were to help new and
continuing members function well together, "to start getting our
minds around a very complex topic," and to identify priorities
for the study process and the social statement, said the Rev.
Peter Strommen, bishop of the ELCA Northeastern Minnesota Synod,
Duluth, and task force chair.
     "I'm noticing that everyone on the task force is engaged,
energized," Strommen said. "There is a very rich field of
insights and inquiry being brought to the table. There is a very
strong desire for the faith to be able to speak a wise and
helpful word. We recognize this is an enormous topic. We have a
lot of learning to do -- a lot of work to do," he said.
     "We want to engage the entire church in an interesting,
helpful, transparent process. Our deep desire is that by the
time this is all done there is a social statement that will
genuinely aid the ministry of the church on a very important
topic," Strommen said, noting that human sexuality is often
"tragically misused in our society."
     Dr. Adina Nack, assistant professor of sociology, California
Lutheran University (CLU), Thousand Oaks, Calif., made two
presentations to the task force -- "Sexuality and Society" and
"Sexuality Over the Lifespan." CLU is one of 28 ELCA colleges
and universities.
     Nack used statistical averages to talk about the range of
sexual behavior in U.S. society. She discussed popular culture
and the media, research, differences between sex and gender,
gender roles, sexual orientation, love and intimacy, extra-
relational sex, male and female sexual "scripts," the sexual body
in health and illness, sexually transmitted infections, sex
education and sexually explicit materials.
     "Sexuality Over the Lifespan" included information about
sexuality in infancy and childhood, influences in sexual
development, family, adolescence, age of consent, early and young
adulthood, being single, cohabitation, middle adulthood, marital
sexuality, divorce and widowhood, dating again, single parenting
and stereotypes of aging.
     "This group is undertaking a large and complicated task, so
I wanted to give an overview of some of the major findings and
debates among social scientists when it comes to studies of
sexuality," Nack said later.
     "I left people with more questions than answers, and
unfortunately that's the reality of the subject matter," Nack
said. "There are some clear answers (from) a standpoint of what
seems to produce better health outcomes -- physical and mental
well-being -- but, when it gets to matters of morality and
spirituality, it's a lot more fuzzy."
     The Rev. James M. Childs Jr., former director, ELCA Studies
on Sexuality, presented a paper, "Christian Perspectives on
Sexuality." Childs is an advisor to the task force and a
professor of systematic theology, Trinity Lutheran Seminary,
Columbus, Ohio. Trinity is one of eight ELCA seminaries.
     Childs noted that the history of sexual ethics is marked by
continuity and change. "It is important to recognize that the
basic elements of traditional sexual ethics were shaped in
circumstances very different from today, albeit lust has been a
constant," he said.
     "We need to be aggressive and honest in facing those
realities by asserting a countercultural Christian vision where
necessary but in terms that grapple with present consciousness,
not simply a reiteration of past formulas. We also need to be
deliberate in asking what changes in communication and normative
judgment may be needed to maintain continuity," Childs said.
     "We know the ideals expressive of God's purposes. We know
the rules we have had in the service of those purposes and
recognize the contextual nature of those rules," he said. "Do
new developments in the present context suggest new ways to
reformulate the ideals?" Childs asked.
     The Rev. Kaari M. Reierson, associate director for studies,
and the Rev. Roger A. Willer, senior research associate, ELCA
Church in Society, direct the task force's work on the statement.
In addition to Strommen, task force members (+ continuing, * new)
+ Erin Clark, graduate student, University of Illinois at Chicago
+ Dr. Julio A. Fonseca, psychologist, Dorado, Puerto Rico
* The Rev. Carol S. Hendrix, bishop, Lower Susquehanna Synod,
Harrisburg, Pa.
+ The Rev. Gary J. Liedtke, pastor, St. Luke Lutheran Church,
Waukesha, Wis.
* Peter O'Malia, youth minister, Hill Avenue Grace Lutheran
Church, Pasadena, Calif.
+ The Rev. Kevin R. Maly, pastor, St. Paul Lutheran Church,
+ Susan Salomone, program manager, Community Networks Day
Habilitation Program, Enable (affiliate of United Cerebral
Palsy), Syracuse, N.Y.
* The Rev. Scott J. Suskovic, pastor, Christ Lutheran Church,
Charlotte, N.C.
+ Connie D. Thomas, principal, Lutheran Church of the Holy
Spirit, Chicago
* The Rev. David L. Tiede, retired president and professor of New
Testament, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minn.
* Dr. Marit A. Trelstad, assistant professor of religion, Pacific
Lutheran University, Tacoma, Wash.
+ The Rev. Timothy J. Wengert, professor of Reformation history,
Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
* Sarah Hinlicky Wilson, graduate student, Princeton Theological
Seminary, Princeton, N.J.
+ Dr. Diane M. Yeager, associate professor of religious ethics
and religion and social theory, Georgetown University,
Washington, D.C.
     Advisors to the task force include representatives of the
ELCA Church Council, ELCA Church in Society, ELCA Office of the
Presiding Bishop, ELCA Vocation and Education, Evangelical
Lutheran Church in Canada and Lutheran Youth Organization.
     The task force's next meeting will be here April 21-23. A
writing team of Tiede, Wilson and Yeager will present initial
work on the study materials. The Rev. Roland D. Martinson,
professor of children, youth and family ministry, Luther
Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., will make a presentation. Luther is
an ELCA seminary.
     "I'm excited to see what this group ends up producing," Nack
said. "As a professor at an ELCA school and someone who teaches
sexuality, I would definitely like eventually to incorporate the
finished social statement into my courses," she said.
     "We have a lot of interest among our college students at the
various ELCA campuses in talking about sexuality. It's going to
be a great starting place for a lot of good campus conversations
and interactions with campus pastors," Nack said.
-- -- --
     Information about the Task Force on Human Sexuality is at on the ELCA Web site.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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