

1 Corinthians 7:17-24

However that may be, let each of you lead the life that the Lord has
assigned, to which God called you.  This is my rule in all the churches.
Was anyone at the time of his call already circumcised?  Let him not seek
to remove the marks of circumcision.  Was anyone at the time of his call
uncircumcised?  Let him not seek circumcision.  Circumcision is nothing,
and uncircumcision is nothing; but obeying the commandments of God is
everything.  Let each of you remain in the condition in which you were

Were you a slave when called?  Do not be concerned about it.  Even if you
can gain your freedom, make use of your present condition now more than
ever.  For whoever was called in the Lord as a slave is a freed person
belonging to the Lord, just as whoever was free when called is a slave of
Christ.  You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of human
masters.  In whatever condition you were called, brothers and sisters,
there remain with God.