


August 8, 2003

ELCA Board of Pensions to Sponsor Assembly Fitness Events

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- "Run, walk 'n' roll for your health," an
early morning outdoor event sponsored by the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America (ELCA) Board of Pensions will take place Aug.
12-16 during the 2003 ELCA Churchwide Assembly.
     The ELCA Board of Pensions, which has sponsored exercise
events during the past two biennial assemblies, hopes for
continued success at this assembly, said John G. Kapanke,
president, ELCA Board of Pensions.
     "It has been received enthusiastically by participants,"
Kapanke said about similar events at past assemblies.
     For this assembly the ELCA Board of Pensions is adding a new
program that is indoors and includes stretching and prayer.
"This is all around our central theme that healthy leaders
enhance lives," said Kapanke.
     The Rev. Murray D. Finck, bishop, Pacifica Synod, Yorba
Linda, Calif., will be leading the new program, Kapanke said.
Finck has led many similar events throughout his synod, Kapanke
     The ELCA Board of Pensions wants people to be healthy and it
wants leaders to be conscious health, he said.
     A new Web site providing health information will also be
unveiled during the assembly, said the Rev. Ronald T. Glusenkamp,
vice president, customer outreach, ELCA Board of Pensions.
     "This is a whole process that we will be making available
for the church," Glusenkamp said.
     The Web site is a joint effort of the Board of Pensions,
ELCA Division for Ministry and the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.,
Glusenkamp said.
     "The Board of Pensions and Division for Ministry want to
walk the talk," he said.
     Glusenkamp said the ELCA Board of Pensions realizes that
there are several aspects to health, including spiritual,
physical, emotional and intellectual aspects.
     During the previous assembly, 200 participants registered
for the run, walk 'n' roll events.  Those participants ran,
walked, biked, roller-bladed and wheeled a total of over 1,500
miles in five days.  To participate in the free events
registration is required.
     "[It is] an opportunity to see God's beautiful creation,"
said Glusenkamp.
     The new wellness Web site available to church leaders from
the Board of Pensions and Division for Ministry is at on the Web.

*Jessica A. Crane is completing her bachelor of arts degree at
Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn.  This summer she is an intern
with ELCA News and Media Production.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]