


October 15, 2003

ELCA Bishops Address Advertising, Discuss Lay Presidency Issues

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Conference of Bishops of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) adopted a policy to
permit, under certain circumstances, advertising for pastoral
vacancies by congregations in The Lutheran, the magazine of the
     The ELCA is organized into 65 synods, each headed by a
bishop. The ELCA Conference of Bishops is an advisory body to the
church, consisting of the church's 65 synod bishops, ELCA
presiding bishop and ELCA secretary.  The conference met here
Oct. 2-6.
     Following some discussion, the bishops approved the
advertising proposal from its Synodical-Churchwide Relations
Committee.  The Conference endorsed a recommendation that the
magazine receive and place ads from congregations with pastoral
vacancies seeking new pastors.
     Congregations must get permission to advertise from their
synodical bishops and get approval on the content of the ads.
Ads must specify that pastoral candidates contact the synod
office for information, not the congregation.  The bishops
approved the proposal, noting that some congregations have
already advertised for new pastors in other Christian
     On other matters, the conference and four theologians of the
church discussed the subject of lay presidency, referring to the
role of lay people in worship practices such as presiding at Holy
Communion or other leadership roles in the church.   The bishops
are studying the ordained and authorized lay ministry in the
ELCA. The four theologians were the Rev. Sarah Henrich, Luther
Seminary, St. Paul, Minn.; the Rev. Maria E. Erling, Lutheran
Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (Pa.); the Rev. Thomas H.
Schattauer, Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa; and the
Rev. Timothy J. Wengert, Lutheran Theological Seminary at
Philadelphia. Each prepared a paper for the bishops on the
meaning and function of call and ordination in the life of the
     The bishops will continue their study process on lay
presidency at their academy in January and during their spring
2004 meeting.
     In a separate session, the bishops and ELCA seminary
presidents had a conversation about upcoming seminary plans and
mutual concerns.  There are eight ELCA seminaries.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]