


November 24, 2003

Moller-Gunderson Resigns as ELCA Director for Congregational Ministries

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. Mark R. Moller-Gunderson,
executive director and coordinator for mission support, Division
for Congregational Ministries (DCM) of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America (ELCA), resigned effective Dec. 8.  Moller-
Gunderson has accepted a call to serve on staff at Immanuel
Lutheran Church, Lake Geneva, Wis.
     "It is with gratitude to God that we bid farewell to Mark
Moller-Gunderson. Mark's commitment to and enthusiasm for the
mission to which God has called this church is infectious. He
leads by personal example as a generous steward who witnesses
boldly to God's love in Christ for the whole world.  Mark is an
encourager who knows when to affirm and when to challenge.  He
has built strong relationships with synod leaders.  We will miss
Mark's clear voice calling us to faith in Christ, sending us into
the world and reminding us of the centrality of dynamic and
growing congregations," said the Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding
bishop of the ELCA.
     Since 1992 Moller-Gunderson, 53, served as coordinator for
mission support and as one of two executive directors for DCM.
The Rev. M. Wyvetta Bullock, serves as the other executive
director.  The division is designed to support the ELCA's 10,721
congregations in the areas of education, culture-specific
ministries, evangelism, men's ministries, outdoor ministries,
social ministries for congregations, stewardship, worship and
     As coordinator for mission support, Moller-Gunderson oversaw
all income-producing efforts for the ELCA churchwide
organization, which includes global mission work, preparing lay
and ordained ministers and starting new congregations.
     "I am thrilled at the opportunity to be involved in parish
ministry once again, and I am excited about the chance I will
have to work with my wife, Mary Ann.  Immanuel is a growing,
vital and generous congregation that has much to teach me.  My
work will start with them on a half-time basis, and the other
time I plan to be involved with stewardship and fund-raising that
connects with congregations and synods," said Moller-Gunderson,
who also will continue to serve as a volunteer captain in the
Lake Geneva Fire Department.
     "It has been a privilege to serve in the churchwide
organization for 12 years.  I'm very thankful for the partnership
with colleagues here and with the bishops of the 65 synods of the
church.  I appreciate their friendship and leadership."
     From 1988 to 1991, Moller-Gunderson served as assistant to
the bishop, ELCA Greater Milwaukee Synod.  He served as a parish
pastor at St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Madison, Wis., from 1982
to 1987, and at Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Portland, Ore., from
1977 to 1982.
     Moller-Gunderson received a master of divinity degree from
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago in 1976, and earned a
bachelor's degree in psychology at the University of Illinois,
Champaign, Ill., in 1972.
     Moller-Gunderson and his wife, the Rev. Mary Ann Moller-
Gunderson, are the parents of two children, David and Maria.
They are members of Immanuel Lutheran Church, where Mary Ann
serves as pastor.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]