


November 21, 2003

ELCA Council Participates In 200th Anniversary Of North Carolina Synod

     WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (ELCA) -- More than 1,200 members of the
North Carolina Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA) participated in a celebratory worship service here
Nov. 15, marking the 200th anniversary of the formation of the
synod.  The Rev. Mark S. Hanson, ELCA presiding bishop, preached.
Hanson and the ELCA Church Council attended the celebration as
part of the council's fall meeting in Charlotte, N.C..
     The North Carolina assembly of Lutheran congregations is the
oldest in the United States with the same continuous geographic
area, according to a synod news release.
     The event was held at Wait Chapel on the campus of Wake
Forest University.  The Rev. Leonard H. Bolick, bishop of the
ELCA North Carolina Synod, Salisbury, presided.
     North Carolina Gov. Mike Easley declared Nov. 15 "North Carolina
Synod Day" in the state.
     "We are here today to renew our commitment to you, and to
renew our commitment to God's church," Hanson said in his sermon.
Early Lutheran immigrants who arrived in North Carolina as early
as 1673 "brought not only questions but brought with them the
gospel," Hanson said.
     Hanson reflected on the Gospel lesson for the day, found in
John 21:15-19 of the Christian Bible.  In that lesson, Jesus asks
Simon Peter some questions and tells him to "Feed my sheep.  Tend
my sheep."
     "My hope and prayer is that the 241 congregations of the
North Carolina Synod are not only communities of faith, but are
communities of believers in which we are invited to bring our
searching questions," Hanson said.
     "Jesus says 'feed my sheep, tend my sheep,'" he said. "What
is the food?  It is the gospel.  Friends, there are starving
sheep all over North Carolina."
     "The risen Christ takes us into places we don't want to go -
- separated by war, yearning for justice, working for peace,"
Hanson said.  "Together we go -- claimed, gathered and sent --
and marked by the cross of Christ forever."
     Dr. David Cherwien, Minneapolis, composed special music for
the service, which was performed by the Lenoir-Rhyne College
Choir and Brass Ensemble. Lenoir-Rhyne College, Hickory, N.C., is
one of the 28 colleges and universities of the ELCA.
     According to the synod news release, the history of
Lutherans in North Carolina began in the 17th century when
thousands of German refugees arrived in the North Carolina
Piedmont, after first settling in the colonies of New York and
Pennsylvania. Joining the German-speaking Moravians and Reformed,
the Lutherans soon felt a growing need for their own churches and
     The North Carolina Lutheran church began organizing
officially in 1745.  The Rev. Adolphus Nussman and Gottfried
Arends, a teacher, arrived from Germany in 1773 to establish more
Lutheran congregations. Arends was soon ordained and played a
major role in organizing 19 congregations in western North
Carolina.  The sole purpose of forming the synod in 1803 was to
provide the growing number of congregations with adequately
prepared ministers, the news release said.
     In July the North Carolina General Assembly passed a joint
resolution honoring Nussman and Arends, and congratulating the
synod on its anniversary.
     The North Carolina Synod has grown from four pastors in 14
congregations to 437 professional church leaders in 241
congregations.  The synod's baptized membership is 88,727.
     The synod's theme for the anniversary year is "Graced by the
Past -- Called to the Future."
     "We can be proud of a fascinating, rich heritage," said
Bolick. "Now our call is to the future. We must show the
determination of those who have gone before to meet the
challenges ahead."
     In addition to the Nov.15 worship event, the synod is
involved in an anniversary fund drive to raise $200,000 for the
benefit of various Lutheran ministries in North Carolina, the
ELCA and the world.
-- -- --
Information about the ELCA North Carolina Synod, including
photographs from the 200th anniversary worship celebration, can
be found at on the Web.

*Donna D. Prunkl is communications coordinator for the North
Carolina Synod.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]