


April 19, 2004

ELCA Pastor 'Day 1' Speaker in May, June, July

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. Ann Svennungsen, president of the
Fund for Theological Education, Atlanta, and a pastor of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), is the featured
speaker May 2, June 6 and July 18 on "Day 1," a radio program
broadcast on more than 150 stations nationwide.  Day 1 is also
broadcast on the American Forces Network to U.S. service men and
women around the world and at on the Web.
     In January Svennungsen became president of the 50-year-old
Fund for Theological Education, a national ecumenical
organization with a two-fold purpose: encouraging young people to
pursue careers in the ordained ministry and supporting people of
color in theological education.   Before that she spent seven
years as pastor of the 3,700-member Trinity Lutheran Church,
Moorhead, Minn., the largest ELCA congregation to be led by a
woman senior pastor.
     In her first sermon, Svennungsen talks about humankind's
quest for security. "Even living good, clean lives doing all the
right things, being fair and just and kind, not even these can
guarantee security. We're not immune to disease, betrayal,
accidents, corporate takeovers. Despite all our efforts we still
remain vulnerable.. (Yet) in all of life's fragileness, one thing
remains strong: You are held in God's hand, and no one can snatch
that away from you."
     Each Day 1 program includes a sermon and brief interview
with Svennungsen.  A television version of Day 1 is also
broadcast on the Hallmark Channel's "America at Worship" on
Sunday mornings.
     Formerly known as "The Protestant Hour," Day 1 has been
broadcast every week for nearly 59 years, winning numerous awards
in the process, including the George Foster Peabody Award and the
2003 Communicator Award for excellence in inspirational radio. It
is produced cooperatively by the ELCA, Episcopal Media Center,
United Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and United
Church of Christ.
     The executive producer for Day 1 is Peter Wallace.
     Information about Day 1, including affiliate information is
available at on the Web.

* Nan Ross is publicist for Day 1.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]