


April 21, 2004

ELCA Council Reaffirms 'Stand With Africa'

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Church Council of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) affirmed the continuation of
"Stand With Africa" as a second-mile- giving opportunity and
reaffirmed the ELCA's commitment to accompany companion churches
and partner agencies in Africa.
     The Church Council is the ELCA's board of directors and
serves as the legislative authority of the church between
churchwide assemblies.  The council met here April 17-18.
Assemblies are held every other year; the next is Aug. 8-14,
2005, in Orlando, Fla.
     "Stand With Africa:  A Campaign of Hope" began as a three-
year Lutheran campaign in 2000.  The 2001 ELCA Churchwide
Assembly affirmed the campaign, designed to call on individuals,
congregations, the 65 synods of the church and the churchwide
organization to focus on issues significant to Africa, including
HIV/AIDS, food security, and peace and reconciliation.  The
campaign builds upon and extends the relief and development work
in Africa funded by the ELCA World Hunger Appeal through the ELCA
Division for Global Mission, Division for Church in Society and
Division for Congregational Ministries.  To date $2.7 million has
been raised.
     At their 2004 spring meetings, the boards of each division
affirmed the continuation of "Stand With Africa."
     Through its resolution, the council expressed thanks to
members, congregations and synods of the ELCA for "standing with
Africa" through increased giving, education and advocacy in the
past three years; requested that ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark S.
Hanson express the church's "commitment and thanks" to Lutheran
World Relief (LWR) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) for
their "collaboration" and called on members of the ELCA to
continue their support of Stand With Africa.
     LWR works overseas in relief and development on behalf of
the ELCA and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  Based in
Geneva, Switzerland, the LWF is a global communion of Christian
churches in the Lutheran tradition. The ELCA is a member of LWF;
Hanson serves as LWF president.
     Information about Stand With Africa is at on the ELCA Web

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]