


May 28, 2004

ELCA Presiding Bishop Signs Statement on Overcoming Poverty

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop
of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), joined more
than 40 religious leaders in signing a "Unity Statement on
Overcoming Poverty."  The leaders agreed that in this
presidential election year they will pray and work together for
social policies that can help people get jobs, access to quality
health care, housing and incomes to support their families.
     The statement became public following a May 24 "Service of
Unity to Overcome Poverty" at the National Cathedral, Washington,
D.C.  The church leaders represented Catholic, mainline
Protestant, evangelical and Pentecostal churches.  The service
and unity statement were sponsored by Call to Renewal,
Washington, D.C., a network of churches, faith-based
organizations and individuals working to overcome poverty in the
United States, according to a news release from the organization.
     "As Christian leaders in the United States, we recognize
that we live in a time when political and social issues threaten
to divide the church," the statement said. "Although there are
issues on which we do not agree, we come together to affirm that
justice for those in our society who live in poverty is, for all
of us, a deeply held religious belief on which we are firmly
     Citing Isaiah 65:20-25 the religious leaders said, "We
affirm God's vision of a good society offered to us by the
prophet Isaiah. His words are as relevant today as they were
3,000 years ago, and show us the way forward."
     In the United States people who work should not be poor, but
today many are, the religious leaders said.  They said they must
work to ensure that all people able to work have jobs "where they
do not labor in vain."  They called for people living in poverty
to have access to quality health care, decent housing and an
income to support their families.
     "The future of our country depends upon strong and stable
families that can successfully raise their children," the
statement said. "We must also ensure that those who are unable to
work are cared for by our society."
     In making a covenant to pray for policies that can achieve
these goals, the leaders said they "will ensure that overcoming
poverty becomes a bipartisan commitment and a nonpartisan cause,
one that links religious values with economic justice, moral
behavior with political commitment."
     The religious leaders pledged to "raise this conviction in
the public dialogue" and will seek to hold political leaders
"accountable to its achievement."
     They pledged that in their work together, they will "make
every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of
peace." (Ephesians 4:3)
     The full text of the Unity Statement on Overcoming Poverty
is at on the Web.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]