


June 8, 2004

ELCA Rural Ministry Conference at Newberry College June 24-26

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- "Celebrating Rural Life" is the theme of the first
annual meeting of the Small Town and Rural (STaR) Ministry Alliance of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).  The meeting will bring
together a variety of people who share common concerns related to small
town and rural ministries.
     The conference is June 24-26 at Newberry College, Newberry, S.C., one
of 28 ELCA colleges and universities.
      "The purpose of this conference is threefold: to celebrate rural
life while acknowledging economic realities, provide educational
opportunities, and offer an opportunity for 'affinity groups' to meet
face-to-face for the first time," said Sandra A. LaBlanc, associate in
ministry, director for rural ministry resources and networking, ELCA
Division for Outreach.  LaBlanc is based in Des Moines, Iowa.
     "Affinity groups," have been formed around particular topics of
interest in small town and rural ministry.  The groups exist to share
information and resources regularly.
     The city of Newberry is an example of a small city success story,
LaBlanc said.  Conference participants will tour the city, see an orchid
farm and learn about other aspects of rural life in South Carolina, she
     About 55 percent of the ELCA's 10,776 congregations are in small town
and rural settings, LaBlanc said. To serve this constituency better, the
ELCA is developing the StaR Ministry Alliance, she said.
     The preliminary agenda for the conference includes presentations by
two plenary speakers.  One is Tex Sample, coordinator of the Network for
the Study of U.S. Lifestyles, a group of specialists devoted to the
understanding of people in the United States.  Sample is a published
author, lecturer, workshop leader and consultant to the church and to
community, governmental and business organizations.
     Another conference speaker is Tena Willemsma, executive director of
the Commission on Religion in Appalachia, a partnership of church
denominations and community groups working to assist people in need in
Appalachia.  Willemsma recently completed a term as co-chair of the
Eco-Justice Working Group of the National Council of Churches of Christ in
the U.S.A.
     A series of conference workshops is planned.  Topics include
multicultural ministry; rural economic development; faith development;
moral deliberation; care for the care giver; health care and care giving;
ministry in "multiple point" parishes; the "intersection" of agriculture,
environment and economics; prison ministry; and congregational renewal in
rural settings.
     "The workshops offered will provide asset-based success stories in
the small town and rural context," LaBlanc said.
     Worship will feature a resource developed by the Evangelical Lutheran
Coalition for Ministry in Appalachia which highlights worship in that
area, she said.  Liturgical decorations will feature highlights from
Appalachian small town and rural settings.
     Alliance members are individuals, congregations, agencies, colleges,
seminaries, resource centers, camps and continuing education sites.
Members sustain one another and their communities through prayer, action
and education.
     Information about the "Celebrating Rural Life," conference, including
registration information, is at on the ELCA Web site.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]