


November 16, 2004

ELCA Council Adopts Policy On Genetically Modified Organisms

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Church Council of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) adopted a social policy
resolution on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the food
supply.  The policy directs the church's advocacy on "legislative
action, trade policies, patent laws, hunger relief and
development measures, shareholder actions and policy proposals"
to first consider several "central themes and relevant values."
     The Church Council is the ELCA's board of directors and
serves as the legislative authority of the church between
churchwide assemblies.  The council met here Nov. 11-15.
Assemblies are held every other year; the next is Aug. 8-14,
2005, in Orlando, Fla.
     The social policy resolution defined GMOs as "microbes,
plants and non-human animals that have been manipulated at the
genetic level by means of biotechnology."  It dealt primarily
with "GMOs in the human food supply since most of the current
controversy about GMOs is located there."
     "The biotechnology that makes possible genetically modified
organisms (GMOs) bears the potential both for substantial good
and permanent harm.  The manipulation of genetic material (DNA)
in seeds, for instance, has sometimes prevented crop disaster or
increased crop productivity, reduced chemical input, and lowered
production costs.  At the same time, the use of GMOs has led to
disputes about food safety, food security, food sovereignty,
economic development, trade implications and ecological
integrity," the policy said.
     "We of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) as
individual members and as a corporate body are called to
responsible deliberation and action when such weighty social and
ecological issues are at stake," it said.
     William R. Lloyd Jr., council member, Somerset, Pa.,
provided the sole vote against the resolution, saying it was
balanced but unclear about where the church stands on the issue.
     The purpose of the resolution is "to say what we can say
about an issue that is of great concern to a great number of
people," said Roger A. Willer, associate for studies, ELCA
Division for Church in Society.  "These are the things to
consider when dealing with this very broad and wide issue," he
     David M. Nelson, council member, Bridgeport, Neb., said the
resolution stated fairly where the church stands.  It did not say
GMOs are harmful or safe; it pointed out "the unknown," he said.
     "Evidence from the physical and social sciences does not
settle the question of how harmful or beneficial GMOs are," the
resolution said.  Some compare genetic manipulation to
traditional breeding methods, while others say nothing compares
to all the possibilities of such manipulation.  Some question
whether enough testing has been done or can be done on GMOs to
ensure the safety of human health and the environment, while
others attest to the benefits of GMOs to health and the
     "In the face of this complexity, decisions on matters of
policy and practice are both difficult and necessary," the policy
said.  "Individual cases need to be evaluated with multiple
criteria for their impact on the food supply, social systems and
     To evaluate GMO-related issues, the social policy resolution
lifts central themes from two existing ELCA social statements on
economic life and caring for creation -- sufficient and
sustainable livelihood for all, stewardship and justice.  It also
lists several "relevant values" derived from ELCA social policies
-- the good of science and technology, human needs and justice,
humility and the future, and regulation and the common good.
     The resolution raises a number of questions when considering
the possible effects of GMO-related policies or actions on:
 + the alleviation of hunger at the household and community level
in a just and beneficial way.
 + the well being of the environment and human beings.
 + the participation of consumers or beneficiaries to make free
and informed decisions.
 + family farmers in the United States and abroad.
 + individual farmers and commercial enterprises to produce goods
and services.
 + protecting indigenous species in their variety (biodiversity)
and their habitat.
 + the mutual thriving of the natural and social system over the
long term, including the reversal of current environmental
 + the health of humans who consume GMOs.
-- -- --
     The full text of the "Social Policy Resolution on
Genetically Modified Organisms in the Food Supply" will be linked
to on the ELCA Web

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]