


May 3, 2005

Richard Bliese Named Next President Of Luther Seminary

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. Richard H. Bliese will become
president of Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., on July 1.  The
seminary's board of directors and Foundation board of trustees
elected Bliese, 49, on May 2 to succeed the Rev. David L. Tiede.
Luther is one of eight seminaries of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America (ELCA).
     "I feel both excited and honored to be at Luther Seminary at
this time in its history," said Bliese.  "The seminary is
healthy, rich in human resources and postured for growth.  The
ELCA needs more and better prepared leaders for an apostolic age
of mission in a world of many cultures and religions.  This is
key to Lutheran congregational renewal in North America.  We are
ready to move into this promising future."
     Bliese "understands the importance of the connection between
Luther Seminary and the ELCA, and that the seminary's mission
with the ELCA is to serve Christ's Church in the world.  We are
excited that Dr. Bliese will be able to further the mission, work
and growth of the seminary," said Dr. Susan C. Jenkins, chair of
Luther Seminary's board of directors.
     "The search committee was impressed with Dr. Bliese's
experience and credentials," Jenkins said.  "He has served in
parish ministry in Germany, Zaire and the United States."
     Bliese currently serves as the seminary's dean of academic
affairs and associate professor of missions.
     "During his time as academic dean at Luther Seminary, Dr.
Bliese has shown himself to be an energetic and dedicated worker,
committed to Luther Seminary's mission to prepare leaders for the
church," Jenkins said.
     "We were blessed to have many leading Lutheran theological
leaders and scholars emerge as candidates," said Dr. Paul J.
Dovre, chair of the search committee and member of the seminary's
board of directors.
     Bliese "possesses gifts as a pastoral leader and as an
educational, theological, public and administrative leader.  He
is passionate about the mission of Luther Seminary and will lead
with vision, intelligence and understanding," Dovre said.
     "Dr. Bliese engages audiences and small groups with his
clear excitement about and commitment to the mission of the
seminary," said Janet Anderson, chair of Luther Seminary
Foundation board of trustees. "I appreciate his zeal for the
seminary's role in mission while holding fast to the Lutheran
     In July 2003 Bliese joined the seminary faculty as academic
dean and associate professor of mission. As academic dean he has
worked with the faculty to strengthen key initiatives, including
biblical preaching and worship; children, youth and family
ministry; congregational mission and leadership; and the Center
for Lifelong Learning.
     Prior to joining Luther Seminary, Bliese served as the
director of graduate studies and as the Augustana Heritage
associate professor of global mission and evangelism at the
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC).  While at LSTC, he
served as a part-time pastor at St. Andrews Lutheran Church,
Glenwood, Ill.
     A graduate of Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, Bliese
earned his master of divinity degree from Christ Seminary
Seminex, St. Louis, in 1981.  His first call as an ordained
pastor was to St. Stephanus Lutheran Church in Herne, Germany.
After serving four years he accepted a position with the United
Evangelists Missions in Germany as director of the continuing
education program for pastors and evangelists in Zaire and
Rwanda.  From 1986 to 1990 he ministered to a small urban
congregation in Bukavu, Zaire, and focused on directing
continuing education programs at the Centre D'Accueil Protestante
(C.A.P.) Ecumenical Center, School for Evangelists in Zaire and
Rwanda.  He established C.A.P. schools of music, evangelism and
language, and co-founded a regional development office for
research and technical assistance.
     After 10 years overseas he returned to the United States and
earned a master of theology in 19th and 20th century theology in
1992, and a doctorate in confessional theology from LSTC in 1995.
     In addition to his teaching and pastoral career, Bliese has
led mission and evangelism seminars and workshops as an
independent consultant, administered the Hein-Fry Lecture Series,
and served as president of the Center for World Christian
Interaction.  He has published articles throughout the world and
co-edited The Dictionary of Mission: Theology, History,
Perspectives (1997).  He is also co-editor of The Evangelizing
Church:  A Lutheran Contribution (2005).
     Bliese is married to Nina Bliese.  They are the parents of
two children, presently attending colleges.
     Tiede announced Oct. 25 that he plans to retire June 30 as
president of Luther Seminary.  He will complete 18 years as
president and 34 years as a professor of New Testament at the
seminary.  Tiede is the longest-serving president of an ELCA
-- -- --
     The home page of Luther Seminary is at on the Web.

* Maria L. Thompson is director of communication, Luther
Seminary, St Paul, Minn.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]