


August 24, 2005

Lutheran Leader In Parish Education, Services, Kent Gilbert Dies

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. W. Kent Gilbert III, a former
leader in Lutheran parish services and retired pastor of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), died Aug. 23 at
his apartment in Lewisburg, Pa.  He was 86.
     A memorial service will be held Aug. 28 at St. Luke Lutheran
Church, Devon, Pa., where Gilbert was a member.
     Gilbert was born Jan. 2, 1919, in Scranton, Pa.  He was
raised in Harrisburg, Pa., and worked briefly for the Harrisburg
Evening News.  He is a graduate of Gettysburg College and the
Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, both ELCA
institutions in Gettysburg, Pa.  He earned a master of arts
degree and a doctorate in education from Columbia University, New
York City.
     Ordained in 1944, Gilbert served as pastor of St. Peter
Lutheran Church, Brooklyn, N.Y., and the Lutheran Church of the
Redeemer, Ramsey, N.J.  In 1950, the former United Lutheran
Church in America (ULCA) Board of Parish Education hired him to
develop and edit a weekday church school series.  Later he became
director of the board's inter-Lutheran long-range program of
parish education.
     In 1962 the ULCA and three other Lutheran church bodies
formed the former Lutheran Church in America (LCA), and Gilbert
became executive secretary of the LCA Board of Parish Education.
He was named executive director of the LCA Board of Parish
Services in 1973, after the church added services related to
architecture, stewardship, evangelism, youth ministry and worship
to the new unit.  He led a staff of 115 until his retirement in
     Gilbert chaired the Commission on Education of the Lutheran
World Federation.  He served on the governing board of the
National Council of Churches and chaired the executive committee
of its Division of Christian Education.  He worked with the World
Council of Christian Education and the World Council of Churches.
     Gilbert authored several books, including "Commitment to
Unity: A History of the Lutheran Church in America," "As
Christians Teach," "Confirmation and Education," "The Objectives
of Christian Education" and "What is Educational Ministry?"
     Gilbert was preceded in death by his wife Virginia and
survived by his daughter Carol G. Main, three grandsons and two
great-grandchildren.  He is also survived by his brother Warren
Gilbert and two nieces.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]