


December 20, 2005

Lutheran Students to Focus on Service, Social Justice at LSM-USA

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- More than 250 college-aged students will focus
their time and energies on worship, service and social justice when they
meet in San Diego Dec. 28-Jan. 1, 2006 for the annual gathering of the
Lutheran Student Movement-USA (LSM-USA).  The theme of this year's
gathering is "Out of the Boat and Into the Water: A Faith Immersion"
(Matthew 14: 25-27).
     The San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina is the headquarters for the
     LSM-USA is a national organization of college, university and
seminary students who worship in the Lutheran tradition.  Through LSM-USA,
Lutheran students promote active participation of students in the life and
mission of the Lutheran churches on their campuses and in their
communities.  The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) supports
LSM-USA as an active voice of students in the larger church through
financial and organizational support.
     In addition to service projects and worship, the gathering will
feature Bible study, prayer, learning opportunities, business meetings and
plenary sessions featuring keynote speakers.
     "LSM-USA is a great place to meet people from around the country, to
participate in worship and small groups and build a community," said
Rebecca Sorensen, LSM-USA intern, ELCA Vocation and Education.
     "This year we will have workshop leaders from the San Diego area
representing nonprofit organizations. They will tell us about the work
they do and talk about how students can get involved in service projects
in their area," she said.
     Among the service activities, Sorensen said, students will collect
building materials from a demolished building at Carlton Hills Lutheran
Church, Santee, Calif. The materials will be shipped to Mexico where they
will be used to build orphanages.  Other students will participate in a
"border experience" during which they will travel to the U.S.-Mexico
border and learn from border authorities about the work that goes on
there, Sorensen said.
     Students attending have been asked to bring used clothing with them
for a clothing drive sponsored by the LSM National Council.  The clothes
will be given to a San Diego-area charity, she said. The drive focuses on
homelessness, the organization's social justice concern this year.
     Students can also participate in some post-gathering service
opportunities in San Diego and along the U.S.-Mexico border.
     Speakers, worship leaders and preachers are the Rev. Kim Erno,
program director, the Lutheran Center, Mexico City; the Rev. Ernie
Hinojosa, pastor/developer, Camino Real Christian Fellowship (ELCA); San
Antonio; Sunitha Mortha, associate director for global events and mission
interpretation, ELCA Global Mission, Chicago; the Rev. Harvard Stephens,
Jr., dean, Siebert Chapel, Carthage College, Kenosha, Wis.; the Rev. Maria
A. Santa Cruz, Our Saviors Lutheran Church (ELCA), San Diego; and the Rev.
William P. Yonker, pastor, Immanuel Lutheran Church (Lutheran
Church-Missouri Synod), East Dundee, Ill.
     The Pool Boys, a contemporary Christian band, will provide music
throughout the gathering.
     Workshops will focus on subjects of specific interest for young
adults. Subjects include how congregations serve immigrants and migrant
workers, serving impoverished and hungry people, survivors of torture,
border tensions, global service possibilities, responding to conflicts,
reaching out to the next generation, creating a sustainable world, living
a quality life, and Reconciling in Christ congregations and campus
     LSM-USA will hold its annual legislative session during the event, at
which students will discuss and debate various issues affecting members,
the organization and the church.  The organization will also elect
officers for the coming year.
     Information about the LSM-USA Gathering is at
on the Web.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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