


March 9, 2006  

Beth Lewis Reappointed President and CEO of ELCA Publisher

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The board of trustees of Augsburg
Fortress, Minneapolis, the publishing ministry of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), reappointed Beth A. Lewis to a
second four-year term as the company's president and chief
executive officer effective Sept. 1.  The board acted in
consultation with the Rev. Mark S. Hanson, ELCA presiding bishop.
     Lewis, 51, joined Augsburg Fortress in 2002 after four years
as president and owner of Computer Coach, Inc., Boca Raton, Fla.,
a computer and technical school offering software applications
and technical training for individuals and organizations.  She
also hosted a local weekly radio program, "The Computer Coach
Show."  Lewis brought considerable publishing management
experience to the ELCA through several senior-level professional
positions with the Times Mirror Book Group based in Los Angeles.
     "Beth has done just an exceptional job in turning this
operation around," said Dr. Annette Citzler, Augsburg Fortress
board of trustees chair, La Grange, Texas.  "Our employees are
rejuvenated, our customers are so enthusiastic about our
products, (and) our authors/writers are excited about the future.
It's just a new day at Augsburg Fortress, and all of us on the
board are just thrilled that Beth has made all this possible."
     In February the company reported it had achieved a $1
million increase in product sales from 2004 to 2005, and exceeded
its 2005 sales goal by more than $2 million.  It was the first
time in 10 years the publisher had a $1 million increase in
product sales and exceeded its sales goal. Employees celebrated
the accomplishment in Minneapolis last month.
     "Beth Lewis has provided exceptional leadership for the
ELCA's ministry of publishing," Hanson said.  "She has been
present throughout this church, listening, building relationships
and championing the many diverse, excellent resources produced by
Augsburg Fortress."
     "Under her visionary leadership Augsburg Fortress is in a
strong position in a very competitive and challenging
marketplace.  The extension of her contract reflects this
church's great appreciation for and confidence in her leadership.
Of course the most concrete way each of us can express that
gratitude is by purchasing Augsburg Fortress books, resources and
products, and introducing others to them," Hanson added.
     Since her appointment Lewis has presided over a variety of
changes in the company's staffing, communication and marketing.
With Lewis as its leader the ELCA publisher introduced a series
of short books on Lutheran theology called "Lutheran Voices;" an
online worship planning resource,; and a
Vacation Bible School (VBS) series based on the "Davey and
Goliath" theme.
     The publisher has been a partner with others in the ELCA
churchwide organization in developing and planning the "Renewing
Worship" project, which will include introduction of a new
Lutheran worship book in October, and it published "The Lutheran
Handbook" in 2005. The handbook has sold more than 116,000
copies, resulting in a series of spinoff resources, such as "The
Christian Handbook" which sold 30,000 copies.  Other related
resources will be introduced this year.
     Lewis oversaw a significant strategic planning effort for
Augsburg Fortress. Through its Vacation Bible School program, the
company raised some $300,000 designated for building drinking
water wells for people southern Bangladesh.  In 2005 the company
contributed $65,000 in financial gifts it received plus $25,000
of its own funds to ELCA Domestic Disaster Response for hurricane
relief and recovery in the U.S. Gulf Coast area.
     Lewis resides in Golden Valley, Minn., and is a member of
Calvary Lutheran Church, Minneapolis.
     Information about Augsburg Fortress is at on the Web.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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