


September 22, 2006  

ELCA Task Force on Human Sexuality Works to Finalize a Third Study

      CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The task force coordinating studies in
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) concerning
human sexuality met here Sept. 15-17 to work on finalizing the
text of "Set Free in Christ: Talking about Human Sexuality" -- a
study guide designed to engage the 4.85 million-member church in
thoughtful discussion and theological discernment on topics that
may be addressed in an ELCA social statement on human sexuality.
     "We're signing off on a study, not a social statement," said
the Rev. Peter Strommen, bishop of the ELCA Northeastern
Minnesota Synod, Duluth, and task force chair.  "Our objective is
to finalize text that gives the ELCA a discussion tool to engage
in before the social statement on human sexuality is written," he
     The current overall work of the Task Force for ELCA Studies
on Sexuality is the development of a social statement on human
sexuality for the ELCA.  The 2001 assembly mandated the church to
engage in studies on human sexuality.  The first emphasis dealt
with questions about the blessing of same-gender unions and the
ordination of people in committed gay or lesbian relationships,
in which the task force issued its report and recommendations on
homosexuality in January 2005.  The 2005 ELCA Churchwide Assembly
took action on those recommendations.  The second emphasis is the
development of a social statement on human sexuality.
     A proposed social statement on human sexuality is due in
early 2009.  The proposed document will be presented to the ELCA
Church Council with a request by the task force to place the
document on the agenda of the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly for
     Set Free in Christ: Talking about Human Sexuality, is the
third in a series of studies developed by the task force under
the banner of "Journey Together Faithfully," said the Rev. Roger
A. Willer, senior research associate, ELCA Church in Society.
     The first study looked at common convictions held among ELCA
predecessor church bodies regarding sexuality, said Willer.  The
second study focused on homosexuality and ministry issues, such
as same-sex blessings and ordination.  The third study takes the
journey further in that it broadens the focus to aspects of human
sexuality in this society that have not been extensively covered
in either of the two previous studies.  The conversations and
feedback from all three studies will be considered in the task
force's work to develop a first draft of a social statement on
human sexuality, he said.
     "Each chapter of the (third) study is dedicated to a
different aspect of human sexuality," said Willer.  "We'll talk
about sexuality and power, sexuality in economic situations,
sexuality and culture, sexuality and social institutions such as
marriage and a number of other topics, many of which have not
been broached in our other discussions.  So what does it mean for
us, as a church, to have (some) common convictions about
sexuality in terms of the contemporary complexities of life,
where people are living longer, getting married later in life,
feeling economic insecurity and more?" he said.
     "The task force is aiming the study at the church basement,
that is, settings where members can talk together about faith and
morals.  Still, we hope the study will be used in college
classrooms, campus ministry settings and senior citizen homes,"
said Willer.  "There's a wide array of places in which the study
can be used (in addition to) congregations," he said.
     "One of the most unique parts of our study is that we're
grounding it in an evangelical ethic that's been very beautifully
articulated through the Lutheran tradition," said Strommen.  The
New Testament Book of Galatians will serve as the biblical
framework for the conversation, he said.  It "is not all that
directly applicable to human sexuality, but we're saying, 'let's
go there first,'" said Strommen.
     "The themes in Galatians are often called the 'Epistle of
Freedom,'" said Willer.  "Galatians will help set the framework
for conversation and return us to the basics, that we are saved
by God's grace through faith.  Grounded in that freedom to seek
the neighbor's good, what does it mean to be sexual beings?" he
     Set Free in Christ: Talking about Human Sexuality will be
available to the church starting Dec. 4, 2006.  Copies of the
study may be pre-ordered through Augsburg Fortress Publishers,
Minneapolis, the publishing ministry of the ELCA.   The task
force will receive responses to the study through Nov. 1, 2007.
- - -
     Audio comments from the Rev. Peter Strommen related to this
story are on the ELCA Web site at .
     Information about the work of the Task Force for ELCA
Studies on Sexuality is available at on the ELCA Web site.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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