


December 14, 2006  

ELCA Presiding Bishop, 33 Other Leaders Urge Renewed Mideast Peace Efforts

     WASHINGTON, D.C. (ELCA) -- The Rev. Mark S. Hanson,
presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
(ELCA), joined 33 leaders from Christian, Jewish and Muslim
national organizations in calling on U.S. President George W.
Bush to make peace in the Middle East a "top priority" for his
     The National Interreligious Leadership Initiative for Peace
in the Middle East released a joint statement Dec. 14, titled
"Arab-Israeli-Palestinian Peace: From Crisis to Hope" and sent a
letter requesting a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice to "discuss the urgent situation in the Middle
East." The National Interreligious Leadership Initiative for
Peace in the Middle East, made up of leaders from more than 25
Jewish, Christian and Muslim national organizations, was formed
in December 2003.
     "In the aftermath of the war in Lebanon and in light of the
ongoing crisis in Gaza, there is a new urgency for achieving an
effective cease-fire and returning to the path of negotiations
among Palestinians, Israelis and neighboring Arab states," the
group said in their letter to Rice.
     Hanson, who is also president of the 66.2-million member
Lutheran World Federation, based in Geneva, said, "As we watch
the violence escalate, we as people of faith cannot remain
silent. The path to peace is not one of military and other forms
of violent action. It is one of difficult but necessary dialogue
-- a dialogue our leaders can and should cultivate. The work of
the Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders coming together in the
National Interreligious Leadership Initiative for Peace in the
Middle East is a model for peacemaking to be emulated by our
political leaders."
     "The United States must make peace in the Middle East an
urgent priority," the leaders' joint statement said. "Achieving
Arab-Israeli-Palestinian peace will have positive reverberations
in the region and around the world. Our nation and the world will
be much safer if peace takes hold in the Middle East."
     The statement urged the United States government to take
specific actions toward peace in the Middle East:
+ "Work in coordination with the Quartet (U.S., European Union,
Russia and United Nations) to create conditions that bring about
serious negotiations on a two-state solution following the lines
of the Roadmap."
+ "Build upon principles, benchmarks and practical ideas for
peace that emerged from earlier initiatives."
+ "Explore bold initiatives for peace such as appointing a
special envoy, hosting an international conference and/or forming
mutually acceptable security arrangements for a negotiated two-
state solution."
+ "Work with Israelis, Palestinians and the international
community to guarantee access to the Holy Places and religious
liberty for all peoples."
+ "Support full implementation of U.N. Security Council
Resolutions 1701 and 1559 in relation to Lebanon."
+ "Provide necessary and generous bilateral reconstruction
assistance to Lebanon to help rebuild the civilian infrastructure
and restore devastated communities, and aid to Israel to help
rebuild communities that experienced destruction due to the war."
+ "Undertake diplomatic efforts to restart Israeli-Syrian and
Israeli-Lebanese negotiations for peace."
     The religious leaders also encouraged Palestinian, Israeli
and Arab leaders to take specific actions toward peace, which
were outlined in the statement.
* Annie Lynsen is director for grassroots advocacy and
communication, ELCA Washington Office.

     The full statement is at
nilistatement.html on the ELCA Web site.

     The letter to Secretary Rice is at on the
ELCA Web site.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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