


March 13, 2007  

Both Parties Appeal Ruling of ELCA Discipline Hearing Committee

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Both parties in a discipline case in the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) filed appeals with
the ELCA Committee on Appeals in early March, according to the
ELCA Office of the Secretary.
     The appeals were filed by the Rev. Bradley E. Schmeling,
pastor of St. John Lutheran Church, Atlanta, who filed his appeal
March 6, and the Rev. Ronald B. Warren, bishop of the ELCA
Southeastern Synod, Atlanta, who appealed March 8.  Both were
parties in a formal discipline hearing Jan. 18-24 in Atlanta.
     Warren filed formal charges in 2006 against Schmeling, who
reported to Warren that he was in a committed relationship with
another man, a violation of the ELCA's clergy standards.
Seven members of the 12-member discipline hearing committee voted
to remove Schmeling from the ELCA clergy roster effective Aug.
     In addition, the committee's written opinion made some
specific suggestions for changes in ELCA clergy standards, and it
suggested synod assemblies ask the ELCA Churchwide Assembly, the
church's highest legislative authority, to consider proposals for
change.   The next assembly is Aug. 6-11 here at Navy Pier.
     The 12-member churchwide Committtee on Appeals will now
consider the appeals.  Written responses and rebuttals may be
filed by the parties, and once the final statement is submitted,
the committee has 60 days to render a decision in writing.
     The decision of the appeals committee is final.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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