


April 25, 2007  

ELCA, LWR Join Other Faith Groups in Advocacy on the Farm Bill

     WASHINGTON (ELCA) -- The Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA) and Lutheran World Relief, Baltimore, are joining
more than a dozen other denominations and faith-based
organizations in supporting broad reforms of the U.S. Farm Bill
in 2007, aimed at reducing hunger and poverty while promoting the
livelihood of farmers and rural communities both in the U.S. and
around the world.
     The U.S. Farm Bill, legislation that determines agriculture,
nutrition and conservation policy, is to be reauthorized every
five years.
     "Our nation's lawmakers have a historic opportunity in 2007
to pass a farm bill," said the Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding
bishop of the ELCA.  "Let us work together for a bill that
strengthens the livelihood of rural communities, helps lift
people out of hunger and poverty, and safeguards the integrity of
God's creation for generations to come."
     As part of the Religious Working Group on the Farm Bill, the
ELCA helped to develop a statement of legislative principles for
farm bill reform, which it is sharing with key congressional
staff.  The statement of principles said the 2007 Farm Bill
 + Increase investments that combat rural poverty and strengthen
rural communities
 + Strengthen and expand programs that reduce hunger and improve
nutrition in the United States
 + Strengthen and increase investment in policies that promote
conservation and good stewardship of the land
 + Provide transitions for farmers to alternative forms of
support that are more equitable and do not distort trade in ways
that fuel hunger and poverty
 + Protect the health and safety of farm workers
 + Expand research related to alternative and renewable forms of
 + Improve and expand international food aid in ways that
encourage local food security
     Staff members of the ELCA Washington Office and ELCA state
public policy offices began holding farm bill listening sessions
around the country last fall, holding the final listening session
April 22 in Victoria, Texas.  An online discussion group is on
Lutherlink for Lutherans to discuss the farm bill with ELCA
Washington Office staff.
     Several denominations in the working group are organizing
their members to meet with elected officials and advocate for
broad reform of the farm bill in May and June.  Mary Minette,
director for environmental education and policy, ELCA Washington
Office, is coordinating "Faith Farm Teams" for the ELCA.
-- --
     The statement of principles and official news release of the
Religious Working Group on the Farm Bill is at 
on the ELCA Web site.
     The Lutherlink discussion group on the farm bill is at on the Web.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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