


April 30, 2007  

ELCA Council Recommends Church Commitment to Address HIV and AIDS

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Church Council of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) recommended that the 2007 ELCA
Churchwide Assembly adopt a resolution that commits the church to
a "deeper engagement" in addressing the AIDS pandemic through
development of a churchwide strategy for action in the coming
     The council is the ELCA's board of directors and serves as
the legislative authority of the church between churchwide
assemblies.  It met here April 14-16.  Assemblies are held every
other year; the next is here Aug. 6-11.
     The recommendation expressed the solidarity of the ELCA with
all people living with HIV and AIDS, and with their families in
the United States and throughout the world; called on the ELCA to
consider a series of actions to express its engagement with HIV
and AIDS; and conveyed the deep appreciation of the ELCA to
members, congregations, professional leaders, and related
agencies and institutions for their support of a variety of HIV
and AIDS ministries.
     The council asked the assembly to request the ELCA Church in
Society and Global Mission program units to take the lead in
developing a strategy to address HIV and AIDS.  The council
recommended that a strategy be brought to it for adoption in 2008
and that the strategy be reported to the 2009 Churchwide
     In addition, the council was told that new funds have been
designated for the ELCA's response to HIV and AIDS.
     "Out of the extraordinary support of the (ELCA) World Hunger
Appeal, we were able to fully fund our (2006) hunger projects
domestically and globally," said the Rev. Rafael Malpica Padilla,
executive director, ELCA Global Mission, in remarks to the
council.  Noting a "profound connection between hunger and
HIV/AIDS response," Malpica Padilla said a churchwide interunit
hunger staff team recommended $1 million of an ELCA World Hunger
Appeal surplus to support the ELCA's response to HIV and AIDS.
Half of the funds will support the churchwide strategy, and the
remaining $500,000 will support the Lutheran World Federation's
HIV/AIDS program for three years beginning in 2007, he said.
     Malpica Padilla also noted that the ELCA has made "strong
and valiant efforts" to address HIV and AIDS domestically and
internationally.  Since 1988 more than $18 million was allocated
to support programs on HIV and AIDS education and prevention,
palliative care, prevention of mother-to-child transmission, and
the care of orphans, he said.
     The Rev. Joseph Crippen, council member, Northfield, Minn.,
and chair of the council's program and services committee,
reported to the council that the assembly recommendation will
help move the ELCA to a long-term effort on HIV and AIDS
     "I am so proud of this church and what is in this
resolution," said Faith A. Ashton, council member, Chapel Hill,

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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