


April 20, 2007  

ELCA Council Affirms 'Evangelical Lutheran Worship'

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Church Council of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) recommended the 2007 ELCA
Churchwide Assembly adopt a resolution designed to affirm the
church's work on renewing its worship life.
     The council is the ELCA's board of directors and serves as
the legislative authority of the church between churchwide
assemblies.  It met here April 14-16.  Assemblies are held every
other year; the next is here Aug. 6-11.
     Released in October 2006, Evangelical Lutheran Worship --
the ELCA and Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada's (ELCIC) new
primary book of worship -- is an outcome of a project initiated
by the council in 2000 to renew the worship life of the ELCA.
The "Renewing Worship" project invited the 4.85-million-member
ELCA and the 182,077 members of the ELCIC to engage new worship
materials.  The ELCIC began its participation in Renewing Worship
in 2001.  Evangelical Lutheran Worship is published by Augsburg
Fortress Publishers, Minneapolis, the publishing ministry of the
     The resolution to be considered by the 2007 Churchwide
Assembly "applauds" "The Use of the Means of Grace:  A Statement
on the Practice of Word and Sacrament" -- a 1997 statement that
contributed to the development of new worship resources.  It also
acknowledges the 2005 ELCA Churchwide Assembly actions that
encouraged the Renewing Worship effort, and it conveys
appreciation to members of the ELCIC for their participation.
     "The heart of the resolution is to receive with thanksgiving
(Evangelical Lutheran Worship) as the primary worship resource of
our church," said the Rev. Joseph G. Crippen, Northfield, Minn.,
council member, adding that the resolution also commits the
church to the ongoing work of renewing worship.
     Worship Jubilee 2007, an event celebrating the renewal of
worship in the ELCA, will take place here Aug. 3-6 at Navy Pier.
Worship Jubilee will feature keynote presentations, worship,
workshops, and educational opportunities for children.  Pre-
Jubilee events Aug. 2-3 will include visiting some of Chicago's
churches for "pilgrimage and prayer" on Aug. 3.
- - -
     Information about Worship Jubilee 2007 is at and information about
"Renewing Worship" is at on the

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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