


May 15, 2007  

Michael Maxey Named President of ELCA's Roanoke College

CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Michael C. Maxey will become the 11th
president of Roanoke College, Salem, Va., on July 1.  The
college's board of trustees unanimously elected him May 9.  Maxey
has served 15 years as vice president for college relations and
dean of admissions and financial aid.  Roanoke is one of 28
colleges and universities of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
     Maxey, 55, succeeds Sabine O'Hara who announced March 16 her
intention to resign in June after three years as president of
Roanoke College.  Board members engaged in study and discussion,
using a subcommittee to consult the campus community, and decided
"the qualities they sought in a president were available through
an internal appointment," said a college news release.
     Born in Bassett, Va., Maxey earned a bachelor of arts degree
in history and a master of arts degree in education from Wake
Forest University, Winston-Salem, N.C.
     Maxey worked in academic affairs at the University of New
Hampshire, Durham, and in student affairs at Averett College (now
Averett University), Danville, Va., and Wake Forest University.
     Maxey joined the staff at Roanoke College as director of
planned giving in 1985, becoming director of capital resources in
1989.  He was vice president for resource development and
admissions services from 1990 to 1992.
     Maxey is a member of College Evangelical Lutheran Church,
Salem, where he is a trustee and past council president.
-- -- --
     The home page for Roanoke College is at on the Web.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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