

Job 24:1-8

The needy are thrust off the road

    "Why are times not kept by the Almighty,
        and why do those who know him never see his days? 
     The wicked remove landmarks;
        they seize flocks and pasture them. 
     They drive away the donkey of the orphan;
        they take the widow's ox for a pledge. 
     They thrust the needy off the road;
        the poor of the earth all hide themselves. 
     Like wild asses in the desert
        they go out to their toil,
    scavenging in the wasteland
        food for their young. 
     They reap in a field not their own
        and they glean in the vineyard of the wicked. 
     They lie all night naked, without clothing,
        and have no covering in the cold. 
     They are wet with the rain of the mountains,
        and cling to the rock for want of shelter.

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