


October 12, 2007  

ELCA Presiding Bishop Responds to Letter from Muslim Leaders

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding
bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and
president of the Lutheran World Federation, Geneva, responded
today to an Oct. 11 letter sent to him and several global
Christian leaders by 138 Muslim leaders from throughout the
     The 29-page open letter, "A Common Word Between You
and Us," calls for Muslims and Christians to work more closely
together for peace.  
     "Muslims and Christians together make up well over half
of the world's population," the Muslim leaders wrote. "Without
peace and justice between these two religious communities
there can be no meaningful peace in the world. The future of
the world depends on peace between Muslims and Christians. The
basis for this peace and understanding already exists."
     Information about the complete contents of the letter is
available on the Web from several news organizations.
     The text of the presiding bishop and LWF president's
response reads:

"Greetings to you in the name of Almighty God, our Creator
and Sustainer.   

On October 11, a copy of a letter was delivered to me from
Muslim scholars and religious leaders addressed to Christian
religious leaders around the world.  As presiding bishop of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and president of the
Lutheran World Federation, I receive this letter in the sincere
expression of faithfulness intended by its drafters, and with
the hopeful expectation for peace that calls to us from the
origins of our sacred texts and professions of faith.  I encourage
prayer and planning for communities of justice, peace, and
security where Muslims, Jews, and Christians draw from these
origins as from essential wells of living water.
The letter attests to both the love of God and our shared
heritage of true hospitality to one's neighbor.  These commandments
convey prophetic witness for mutual and vital co-existence that
Christians and Muslims must embrace in one another.  The letter
further references how the commands to love God and neighbor are
linked "between the Qur'an, the Torah and the New Testament."  I
encourage everyone everywhere to read the beauty of these passages
found in the sacred texts of the Abrahamic faiths, which signify
God's vision for how and whom we love in a broken world.  This
common vision for Jews, Muslims, and Christians signifies fidelity
and fellowship in a world where conflict offends our common heritage
as children of God.

In 2005 I, along with an LWF delegation that included General
Secretary Ishmael Noko, met with His Royal Highness Prince Ghazi,
personal envoy and special advisor to King Abdullah II of Jordan.
Our delegation was grateful for the sincere hospitality and
friendship that were so freely displayed in our conversation. The
delegation spoke at length with Prince Ghazi about the origins of
the Abrahamic faiths in that region of the world.  In another meeting,
Akel Biltaji, advisor to His Majesty the King, stated, "We are
honored to be servants and custodians of the Holy sites."

I acknowledge this letter in gratitude and recognition of the
need for its further study and consideration.  I likewise accept
it in the belief that Jews, Muslims, and Christians are called to
one another as to a holy site, where God's living revelation in the
world is received in reverence among the faithful and not in fear
of our neighbors.

I pray for God's continued blessings among Muslims, Jews, and
Christians alike, and thank God for such displays of wisdom and
humility from their leaders."

The Rev. Mark S. Hanson
Presiding Bishop, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
President, The Lutheran World Federation