


October 16, 2007  

Lutherans Support Recovery Efforts in Bangladesh

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America (ELCA), through its International Disaster Response,
provided $75,000 to support recovery efforts in Bangladesh, where
heavy rains produced floods in 39 districts.
     The onset of flooding by Himalayan-fed rivers affected an
estimated 9 million people according to the government of
Bangladesh, said Dr. Belletech Deressa, director for
international development and disaster response, ELCA Global
Mission.  Of the 9 million people about 400,000 are living in
temporary shelters, she said.
     "The flooding destroyed houses, roads, farmland and gardens,
schools and health clinics.  (It has) isolated communities from
essential health services, market centers and schools," said
     "In northwest Bangladesh, where ELCA companion agency
Rangpur Dinajpur Rural Service (RDRS) works, damage was most
extensive in the district of Kurigram, one of the poorest in the
country.  Although the water is receding, there remains a massive
need to assist devastated communities and families with recovery.
Besides the immediate needs for reconstruction and repair of
damaged houses, there is a pressing need to promote alternative
income opportunities and other livelihood options to help
families survive economically until work or income is available,"
said Deressa.
     ELCA funds were sent Oct. 12 to Action by Churches Together
(ACT) and will be implemented by RDRS, an ELCA companion ministry
and ACT partner, to secure food supply and income generation,
water and sanitation, and the rehabilitation of homes in the
river-belt areas of the Kurigram District, reported Deressa.
     Coordinated by ELCA Global Mission, International Disaster
Response channels its funds through international church
organizations and relief agencies.  Funds provide for food,
medicine, drinking water, emergency shelter and other materials
for survivors of disasters.
     ACT is a global alliance of churches and related agencies
working to save lives and support communities in emergency
situations worldwide.  It is based with the World Council of
Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), both in
Geneva. The ELCA is a member of the WCC and LWF.
- - -
Editors:  When listing organizations receiving funds for aid to
survivors of major disasters outside the United States, Puerto
Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands, please include:

ELCA International Disaster Response, PO Box 71764, Chicago, IL
60694-1764, 1-800-638-3522 and on the Internet.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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