


November 5, 2007  

Lutherans Proceed with Next Steps in Southern California Wildfires

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Providing emotional and spiritual care
and identifying the needs of communities are some of the continued
next steps for Lutherans in response to the wildfires in Southern
California, reported the Rev. Kevin A. Massey, assistant director,
Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR).  Since Oct. 21, wildfires have
spread over 500,000 acres across seven counties there.  LDR is a
collaborative ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
(ELCA) and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS).
     Massey traveled Oct. 31-Nov. 2 to Clairemont, Escondido, Ramona,
San Clemente and San Marcos, Calif.  "The work of LDR will be
coordinated through Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest, based
in Phoenix, with a disaster response coordinator based in Los
Angeles," he said.
     "The next steps of assessment and response development will
include meetings with counterparts in other faith-based,
community-based and government response organizations, and further
discussions among ELCA, LCMS and other local faith leaders," said
     "We will continue to build relationships" and "identify
communities with the most needs," reported Massey.  There will
be "arrangements for an early round of hardship grants to assist
the immediate needs of people who are most vulnerable and further
recruit, train and deploy spiritual care volunteers," he said.
     "Spiritual and emotional care is essential and important for
people who have experienced the danger, fear and evacuation.  We
will continue to call upon pastors, diaconal ministers and others
trained in caregiving, and we'll find ways to equip them for the
very difficult and important work that lies ahead.  I am humbled
by the care and compassion that already has been shared among
congregations and communities," said Massey.
     The Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop of the ELCA, shared
words of comfort and support on behalf of the church to those
affected by the wildfires in a conference call during a Nov. 1
meeting convened by the Rev. Murray D. Finck, bishop, ELCA Pacifica
Synod, Yorba Linda, Calif.  Finck called together ELCA clergy
located in close proximity to the worst of the wildfires for a time
of mutual support and to begin plans for future ministry in disaster
response.  The meeting took place at San Marcos Lutheran Church, San
Marcos, Calif., a congregation of the ELCA.
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Editors: When listing organizations receiving funds to aid survivors
of major disasters inside the United States, Puerto Rico or the U.S.
Virgin Islands, please include:
ELCA Domestic Disaster Response, P.O. Box 71764, Chicago, Illinois
Credit card gift line: 1-800-638-3522
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John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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