


November 13, 2007  

ELCA Council Elects Wyvetta Bullock ELCA Executive for Administration

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Church Council of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America elected the Rev. M. Wyvetta Bullock to
a six-year term as executive for administration, ELCA Office of
the Presiding Bishop. Bullock, who had been serving as executive
for leadership development in the presiding bishop's office, will
assume the role immediately.  Her term ends when the presiding
bishop's term ends.
     The Church Council is the ELCA's board of directors and
serves as the legislative authority of the church between
churchwide assemblies.  The council met here Nov. 9-11.
Assemblies are held every other year; the next is Aug. 17-23,
2009, in Minneapolis.
     Bullock succeeds the Rev. Charles S. Miller, who retired
when his term ended Oct. 31.
     Bullock has been executive for leadership development since
2005.  In that role she coordinated leadership development
components of ethnic ministry strategies and evangelism
strategies.  She worked with others to distribute leadership
development funds, most of which were designated for
multicultural leadership development.  She provided for
discussion and publications related to leadership.
     "Wyvetta is a person of prayer and devout faith," said the
Rev. Mark S. Hanson, ELCA presiding bishop, who nominated Bullock
for the position. "Her leadership has exemplified an ability to
stay grounded in the gospel of Jesus Christ, focused on God's
mission, committed to justice and oriented toward mentoring
     "Throughout her churchwide leadership, Wyvetta has
exemplified creativity, connectedness to congregations, strong
staff collaboration and supervision. She is committed to shaping
the culture of the churchwide organization and to our becoming a
more diverse and inclusive church.  I look forward to serving in
leadership with her," Hanson said.
     "I am very grateful to be called to serve this church in
this way," Bullock told the council following her election.  She
said she has a "deep and abiding love for churchwide ministry"
and looked forward with anticipation to her new call.
     Born in 1951 in Loudon, Tenn., Bullock earned a bachelors of
arts degree in human services administration from Antioch
University, Philadelphia.  In 1996 she earned a master of
divinity degree at Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago,
(LSTC), and in 2003 she earned a doctor of ministry in preaching
at LSTC.  LSTC is one of eight ELCA seminaries.
     From 1981 to 1987 Bullock was assistant executive director
for budget and personnel in the Division for Parish Services of
the Lutheran Church in America (LCA), Philadelphia.  The LCA is a
predecessor church body of the ELCA.
     She joined the ELCA churchwide organization in 1987.  She
was director for budget, personnel and administration, and
director for congregational programs, ELCA Division for
Congregational Ministries (DCM), before she became DCM's
executive director in 1995.  She held that position until 2005,
when she joined the presiding bishop's staff.  DCM is now part of
the ELCA Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission program
     Bullock was honored in 2003 with LSTC's Distinguished Alumni
Award, and in 2004 Grand View College, Des Moines, Iowa,
presented her with an honorary doctor of Humane Letters degree.
Grand View is one of 28 ELCA colleges and universities.
     Bullock is involved in other church and community leadership
activities.  She currently is founder and chief executive officer
of Equipping Leaders Ministries, Inc., Oak Park, Ill., pastoral
associate here at Bethel Lutheran Church, and serves on the board
of directors of Sojourners/Call to Renewal, Washington, D.C.
Previously Bullock served in leadership positions here at Bethel
New Life, Inc. and United Lutheran Church; Bethphage Foundation,
Omaha, Neb.; Parkside Pastoral Counseling Center, Park Ridge,
Ill.; and Ulcart Credit Union, Philadelphia.  She is a former
co-host of Mosaic Television, ELCA Communication Services
Bullock has written and published several articles on subjects
such as diversity, hospitality and prayer.
     Bullock and her husband Neil are parents of two children.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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