


April 4, 2008  

Lutheran Communicators Win 2008 Derose-Hinkhouse Awards

     CHANTILLY, Va. (ELCA) -- The Religion Communicators Council
(RCC) honored several Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
(ELCA) communicators April 3 here at its annual DeRose-Hinkhouse
Memorial Awards program.  ELCA staff received three "Best in
Class" awards for an advertising campaign, Internet communication
and a multimedia presentation.
     "ELCA Brand Campaign-Denver" won a Best in Class award and
an Award of Excellence in public relations/advertising campaign
for ELCA Communication Services, Chicago, staff John Kho, Kristi
Bangert, Ben McDonald Coltvet, Janice Rizzo and Barbara Andrews.
     Len Mason, ELCA Communication Services, accepted a Best in
Class award and an Award of Excellence in Internet communication
for "Free in Christ to Care for the Neighbor: Lutheran Youth Talk
about Human Sexuality."
     The Best in Class award and an Award of Excellence for a
multimedia presentation went to Susan Edison-Swift, ELCA
Development Services, Chicago, and Karen Dersnah, ELCA
Communication Services, for the CD-ROM "ELCA World Hunger: Go and
Do Likewise."
     RCC recognized communicators for outstanding communication
projects in 10 general categories.  RCC is an international
interfaith association of religion communicators in print and
electronic communication, marketing and public relations.
     DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial awards are given annually to
active RCC members who demonstrate excellence in religion
communication and public relations.  The awards are named in
honor of the late Victor DeRose and the late Paul M. Hinkhouse,
leading lithographers in New York and longtime friends of RCC.
     RCC gives Awards of Excellence as its top awards within each
category.  Other awards, such as Certificates of Merit and
honorable mentions, are also presented.
     Ava Odom Martin, ELCA Communication Services, and Tim
Frakes, Tim Frakes Productions, received an Award of Excellence
in video, documentary/educational for "The Life of Apostle Peter"
with Rick Steves.
     Staff of ELCA Development Services won two Awards of
+ Public Relations Campaign: Edison-Swift, "2007 ELCA World
Hunger Interpretation"
+ Integrated Marketing Campaign: Scott Hendrickson, Irene Powers
and Edison-Swift, "ELCA Good Gifts Catalog"
     Women of the ELCA staff collected two Awards of Excellence
for its Web sites:
+ Elizabeth McBride and Deborah Bogaert, "Cafe--Stirring the
Spirit Within ("
+ Bonnie B. Belasic and Bogaert, "Come to the Waters," Seventh
Triennial Gathering Web site (
     Staff of Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Baltimore, won four
Awards of Excellence:
+ National Newsletter: Daniel Lee, "TOTO To Others, Through
Others: LWR's Quarterly Newsletter"
+ Video, Promotional/Informational: Erik Piisila, "Ordinary to
+ Graphic Design, Art and Photography: Piisila, Eco-Palm Poster
and Flyer
+ Advertising Campaign: Emily Sollie, Lee and Piisila, "Divine
     The complete list of DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Award winners
is at
house.html on the Web.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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