


June 20, 2008  

ELCA Bishop Calls for Prayer, Action Concerning Domestic Disasters

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop
of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), asked the
4.8 million-member church to join him in "prayer and action" for
people facing adversity this spring after tornadoes and floods
struck the central United States and the humanitarian crisis
following an immigration raid in Postville, Iowa.
     U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrested
about 390 workers May 12 at a meat processing plant in Postville,
making the raid the largest at a single location in U.S. history.
     "With a swiftness that we could not have imagined only weeks
ago, the waters have brought chaos to a large area of the central
United States," Hanson wrote in a June 20 letter to members of
the ELCA.
     "Tornadoes have caused fatalities in 15 states, and at least
11 synods" of the ELCA's 65 synods are "involved in relief
operations with ELCA Domestic Disaster Response, an unprecedented
number in our history," wrote Hanson.  He cited also the flooding
that is moving south along the Mississippi River valley.
     Hanson asked members of the church to "pray for all who are
facing adversity, including the hidden challenges that seep in
after media attention leaves; the destruction of this year's crop
and the productivity of cropland for years to come; the loss of
homes and neighborhoods; the severing of ties from each other and
histories in particular places; and the troubling emotions and
thoughts that erode confidence and faith.  Pray that God's Spirit
sustain them in the hope of God's faithfulness, shown to us in
Jesus Christ."
     The ELCA has issued a Disaster Alert outlining ways members
of the church can participate in recovery from the floods and
     "Please join me in an outpouring of love that is equal not
only to the depth of the waters, but even more to the fullness of
Jesus' life in us and to the Spirit's renewing work in the
world," said Hanson.
- - -
     The full text of Hanson's letter is available at 
and ELCA Disaster Alerts are at 
on the ELCA Web site.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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