


August 7, 2008  

Speakers, Musicians Highlight Lutheran Men's Gathering

     OMAHA, Neb. (ELCA) -- The Lutheran Men's Gathering
of Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM), the men's ministry of
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), featured
several keynote speakers to talk about men's faiths,
ministries and relationships spanning generations.
     About 600 men were here Aug. 1-3 for the 2008 Lutheran
Men's Gathering at the Hilton Hotel and Qwest Center.  The
event theme, "Coming of Age," focused on LMM's 20th
anniversary, its new relationship with the ELCA and its
emphasis on the spirituality of men ages 18-34.
     The Rev. David L. deFreese, bishop, ELCA Nebraska
Synod, welcomed the gathering to Omaha Aug. 1, wishing for
participants "a freshened perspective on what it means to
be a child of God, a man of God."
     The Rev. Arnold R. "Ernie" Hinojosa, mission director,
ELCA North Carolina Synod, Salisbury, opened the gathering
by returning to the fundamentals of the Christian faith.  
You can't get right with God, so God got right with you,"
he said.  He also conducted a workshop called "Evangelism
for Scaredy Cats," providing advice on how Christians can
share their faith in everyday situations.
     The Rev. Marcus R. Kunz, executive for discernment of
contextual and theological issues, ELCA Office of the
residing Bishop, Chicago, represented the Rev. Mark S.
Hanson, ELCA presiding bishop, who was unable to attend
the gathering. "Congratulations to Lutheran Men in Mission
on formally incorporating and especially congratulations
on meeting your $1.5 million goal," he said, calling it
"a tremendous milestone" in becoming self-sustaining. 
     The Rev. Richard Hardel, senior fellow, The Youth
& Family Institute, Bloomington, Minn., said, "Family is
messy."  The good news is that "God gets down in the mess,"
he added.  He led a workshop, "The Family as Church," that
introduced the model of the family as a child's first and
most important church.
     The Rev. Paul G. Hill, executive director, Youth and
Family Institute, and the Rev. David W. Anderson, director
of home and congregational renewal, Youth and Family
Institute, Bloomington, Minn., demonstrated men's need to
work together to accomplish discipleship among younger
generations.  Anderson said boys need both fathers and
mothers in their lives, but it "takes a man to raise a boy
to manhood."
     The Rev. Lawrence J. Clark, executive director, Lutheran
Theological Center, Atlanta, preached at the Aug. 3 worship
service.  He emphasized engaging young men in ministry and
the visibility of men in the church.  "This is an historic
time in the life of the church -- particularly the Lutheran
Men in Mission," he said.  "As you remember the past,
celebrate the present.  Not to stay here, but to continually
plan and prepare and engage the future."
     Clark also presented an interactive workshop exploring
different methods of prayer.  Participants looked at the
relationship between prayer and an effective men's ministry.
     Peter Mayer, lead guitarist and vocalist for Jimmy
Buffett's Coral Reefer Band, provided music at the Aug. 1
opening.  The band Dakota Road provided music at an Aug. 2
gathering session and at the Aug. 3 worship service.
-- -- -- 
     Information about LMM is at
on the Web.

*Luke Tatge is a senior journalism major at Augustana
College, Sioux Falls, S.D.  This summer he is an intern
with the ELCA News Service.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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