


August 18, 2008  

John Schreiber, Lutheran Bishop Of Southeast Michigan, Dies

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. John H.K. Schreiber, bishop,
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Southeast Michigan
Synod, died suddenly Aug. 16 in Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich.  He
was 47.
     A service of Christian burial will begin at 10:30 a.m. on
Aug. 21 at St. Blase Roman Catholic Church, Sterling Heights,
Mich.  Visitation will be from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Aug. 19 and 20
at the synod office in Detroit.
     "Bishop John Schreiber's ministry was centered in Jesus --
Jesus' love for John that began in Baptism and John's love for
Jesus that led John into the ministry of Word and Sacrament,"
said the Rev. Mark S. Hanson, ELCA presiding bishop.
     "John's Christ-centered life and ministry gave him a passion
to proclaim the gospel and invite all to come and follow Jesus,
together working for justice, peace and reconciliation.  That
commitment was reflected in Bishop Schreiber's tireless work for
racial reconciliation, his advocacy for a lasting just peace in
the Middle East and his deep desire that as a church we exemplify
God's gift of unity in diversity," Hanson said.
     "Bishop Schreiber's love for the people of the Southeast
Michigan Synod was reflected in his attentive listening, his
reaching out to all, and in his recognition that a community
facing great economic challenges needs to hear the hope of the
gospel," he said.
     "I pledge this church's prayers and support for Colleen,
Paul and Claire and the people of the Southeast Michigan Synod,"
Hanson said.
     Born May 10, 1961, in Pittsburgh, Schreiber earned a
bachelor of science degree in accounting from Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, and a master of divinity degree
from Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio.  Trinity is one
of eight ELCA seminaries.
     Ordained in 1987 in the former Lutheran Church in America,
Schreiber served as pastor of Olivet Lutheran Church, Detroit,
until 1993, when he became an assistant to the bishop of the ELCA
Southeast Michigan Synod -- the Rev. J. Philip Wahl, who returned
to parish ministry in 1998 and later retired, and Wahl's
successor, the Rev. Robert A. Rimbo.
     Rimbo resigned as bishop in 2005 to accept a call as pastor
of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, New York.  A special synod
assembly Nov. 19, 2005, elected Schreiber to a six-year term as
bishop.  He was installed as bishop and assumed the office on
Jan. 21, 2006.
     "John Schreiber was the consummate pastor.  He loved people
and he loved God, and he demonstrated that in all that he did,"
said Rimbo, now bishop, ELCA Metropolitan New York Synod.  "Even
when dealing with the nuts and bolts of finance and
administration, he always kept the mission of God central and
called us to witness to Jesus Christ crucified and risen."
     "He was there with people in their need, and he challenged
us to respond to God's call to do justice for the sake of the
world.  He served as a parish pastor with distinction.  He
continued to carry that pastor's heart into everything he did.
And he loved ministry as a bishop of this church," Rimbo said.
     Schreiber is survived by his wife, the Rev. Colleen F.S.
Kamke, St. Thomas Lutheran Church, Sterling Heights, Mich., and
their children, Paul and Claire.  He is survived also by his
mother and sister.
     The ELCA Southeast Michigan Synod consists of nearly 60,000
baptized member in 132 congregations across 10 Michigan counties.
-- -- --
     The home page of the ELCA Southeast Michigan Synod is at on the Web.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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