


November 26, 2008  

Lutheran Church Leaders Discuss Cooperative Work in Disaster Response

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Committee on Lutheran Cooperation
(CLC), consisting of leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America (ELCA) and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS),
engaged in a discussion Nov. 4 about their collaborative work in
responding to domestic disasters through Lutheran Disaster
Response (LDR). The discussion was part of a regular meeting of
the CLC held here at the Lutheran Center.
     The Rev. Kevin A. Massey, LDR director, told the Lutheran
leaders that 2008 is LDR's 20th anniversary year.  There have
been a record number of tornadoes, and 2008 is the second worst
year for hurricane-related damage behind 2005, Massey said.
     In 2008 LDR concluded its work as part of a federally funded
grant to provide case-management services to people affected by
Hurricane Katrina, which struck the U.S. Gulf Coast in 2005.  A
consortium of disaster response agencies provided services and
resources valued at $121 million, Massey reported.  LDR's share
was valued at $29 million, he said.
     LDR concluded work in response to massive flooding in
Rushford, Minn., in 2007, Massey said.  Rushford Lutheran Church,
an ELCA congregation, and St. Mark Lutheran Church, an LCMS
congregation, "joined hearts and hands together to save their
community," he said.
     A continuing challenge for LDR is adequate funding, Massey
said.  Noting an overall drop in financial gifts to the ministry,
he said, "this is a reality we work in and may have for years to
     In recent years different understandings of LDR have emerged
in both churches. The Rev. Rebecca S. Larson, executive director,
ELCA Church in Society, and the Rev. Matthew C. Harrison,
executive director, LCMS World Relief and Human Care, agreed in
2007 to continue discussions about the ministry and report
progress to the CLC.
     Representatives of the ELCA and LCMS have met twice since
last year, Larson told the CLC. To build stronger relationships,
the group has focused on improving communication, decision-making
processes and financial commitment to LDR, she said.
     "We are operating with the assumption that the shared work
of both churches is very important, and we want to continue," she
said.  "We've had tough times in recent years.  We are working on
good communication and good intentions.  We have good
possibilities for what we can imagine."  CLC leaders encouraged
including other parties, such as social ministry organizations,
in the LDR meetings.
     The Rev. Mark S. Hanson, ELCA presiding bishop, and the Rev.
Gerald B. Kieschnick, LCMS president, both said their respective
churches have challenges to resolve as a three-way "Lutheran
Malaria Initiative (LMI)" partnership evolves.  The churches and
Lutheran World Relief, Baltimore, are planning efforts to raise
significant funds to engage Lutherans through mobilization,
education and advocacy in the containment of malaria and other
diseases of poverty. The ELCA is expected to include HIV and AIDS
in its effort.  Based in Baltimore, LWR is a ministry of the
ELCA, LCMS, individuals and parishes involved in international
relief, development, advocacy and social responsibility.
     In addition to Bjornberg, Bullock and Hanson, ELCA
representatives were the Rev. Donald J. McCoid, executive, ELCA
Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations; the Rev. Paul A.
Schreck, Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations; and David D.
Swartling, ELCA secretary.
     In addition to Diekelman, Kieschnick and Schultz, LCMS
participants were the Rev. Raymond L. Hartwig, LCMS secretary;
the Rev. C. William Hoesman, president, LCMS Michigan District,
and chair, Council of Presidents; the Rev. Joel Lehenbauer,
executive director, Commission on Theology and Church Relations;
and the Rev. Samuel H. Nafzger, director of church relations and
assistant to the president.
     CLC members agreed to meet again March 24, 2009, in St.
Louis, and Sept. 29, 2009, in Baltimore.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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